7/11/13 8:45 a.m.
Apexcarver wrote:
Mojo is right, call her, lay it out there. Straightforward is best in these situations. Women are often afraid to come right out and speak their minds on these matters.
Back in the day, my buddies and I would do skits and film them. They were hilarious... to us.
The one that comes to mind now is "Mr. Romance"
Mr. Romance: "... you see the key is to always remind the woman that you're better than she is."
Guy: "I got a 1580 on my SATs!!!! (we were in high school, gimme a break) SEE?!?! That's better! LOSER!"
Try that.
Flight Service wrote:
The level of conflict that has seemed to propagate the GRM forums as of late. It doesn't seem like disagreements on a subject but personal attacks.
Meh, it's the interwebs. If someone else gets upset and butthurt, I don't let it bother me. Much like I don't let their personal attacks bother me since only 3 people on this forum have ever met me in person.
Anti-stance wrote:
Flight Service wrote:
The level of conflict that has seemed to propagate the GRM forums as of late. It doesn't seem like disagreements on a subject but personal attacks.
Meh, it's the interwebs. If someone else gets upset and butthurt, I don't let it bother me. Much like I don't let their personal attacks bother me since only 3 people on this forum have ever met me in person.
excellent points, which is why I don't understand the personal attacks.
"I don't think your car is the technological jump equivalent of a warp drive."
"berkeley you I will kill you and your berkeleying family you berkeleying douche bag!!!"
"I don't think this person is a good racer, but I like this one" "You are a berkeleying idiot you moron!"
Just don't get it. Like I said it is a minor rant.
Paycheck rant,
No I am not upset with how much I make but I am pissed off that I think my hours were calculated incorrectly. There was a holiday which instead of 10 hours of overtime I got 8 hours of regular time. I understand how this works, it's not my first holiday here. I am missing about 6 or 7 hours of overtime seperate from that holiday pay. But because this holiday was on this pay period, my boss is just assuming I am a dumbass and won't even look at it.
To make things worse, a guy that called out last saturday was walkIng around the shop bragging that he got $40 more than his usual paycheck and that he needs to "call out sick more often".
7/12/13 8:33 a.m.
Today is National Collector Car Appreciation Day. I was putting together an employee car show to celebrate but was told to cancel it for unclear reasons. Now our marketing department is asking me what we are doing today to celebrate. I drove my '75 Duster to work, that is what I'm doing.
so sick of this public wifi!
If Google was a person, I'd consider taking one for the team and getting rid of them. Stop changing how my email works. Newest gripe is the automatic categories they instituted.
Luckily you can get rid of it...Settings->Inbox-> Uncheck all but "Primary"
I can organize my mail but don't and that's a conscious decision. Don't tread on me!
fritzsch wrote:
If Google was a person,
We actually call a dude at work Google. I still don't know if his real name is William or Scott.
My rant o' the day... Leaving the house at 2 pm Saturday to go to work, and not getting home until 5:30 Sunday morning.
While at work, two out of the ten robots in the cell that welds-up windshield frames decided to not play nicely, causing the cell to be down for over half an hour. Because of this, instead of taking my lunch break, I got to take my radio off and spend a half-hour feeding the robots parts to weld 22 windshields.
Then, I had a couple breakdowns on the windshield "flip-over", causing me to lose 14 of the 20 completed windshield assemblies already racked-up for just this scenario.
Later in the night, due to issues in another area of the shop, the line was running slow enough to allow us to replenish the 14 assemblies that I lost... But the person whose job it is to refill the empty racks was too busy being an idiot.
So because of one grown-ass adult making $100k a year deciding that he didn't feel like doing his job, I had to force 5 lower seniority people to work an extra half-hour after the shift to make up for it.
Oh well, I only have to do this 6 days a week, so I guess it ain't TOO bad.
my eyes are driving me crazy. Every summer I go through the allergy season with my eyes being assaulted. Usually if I ignore them, they feel ok after a minute. Today, I must have rubbed my left eye in my sleep as it is red, swollen, and itching like crazy
7/14/13 8:45 a.m.
No water in the house this morning.
I guess DeKalb county wants the unwashed masses to fill the pews at church services today.
Luckily, I prepped the coffee maker before checking out for the night.
Stopped by my house (which is listed and staged for sale) yesterday to swap cars, and went in to use the bathroom and look the house over. Decided to use the smaller downstairs bathroom- and noticed there was a pool of water under it. Closer inspection revealed that apparently sometime before I bought the house (8 years ago) the tank had been damaged and the PO had put sealing putty on the inside and out of the tank- and it had chosen the last few days to finally let loose and start dripping again. So now I need to track down a replacement tank and replace it. Just great. At least I have some small consolation that I caught it before anyone coming through to look at the house could see it (not that there's many of them anyway
7/15/13 12:30 p.m.
Its berkeleying HOT......I can deal with the cold, but berkeley this 90+ with florida humidity. 
Anti-stance wrote:
Paycheck rant,
To make things worse, a guy that called out last saturday was walkIng around the shop bragging that he got $40 more than his usual paycheck and that he needs to "call out sick more often".
My minor rant, well not really a rant, just a statement for the day:
I DESPERATELY NEED ANOTHER BMW IN MY LIFE (of my own, the girlfriend has an E39 that I can't touch).
7/15/13 2:44 p.m.
Why the berkeley does the Weather Channel website have a video and photo on the front berkeleying page of some horrible graphic animal abuse, and a tag under the photo that says "Warning graphic content"???
Guess what shiny happy people, you've just shown it already. You're a berkeleying weather guessing website, not a news channel. And you just showed 1.2 billion people that graphic content whether they want to see it or not. (Can you guess I hate animal cruelty?)
Anti-stance wrote:
fritzsch wrote:
If Google was a person,
We actually call a dude at work Google. I still don't know if his real name is William or Scott.
His real name is William, but he goes by Scott, then everyone at the Doraville store called him Google.
There is an ice cre store in town and two resteraunts.
There is not a soft serve ice cream to be had in the entire city I work in! Why!!!!!!!!
Sometimes you just want a freaking swirl cone after a long hot day, you don't want a rock hard blob of ice cream or some crappy milked up yogurt.
7/16/13 8:41 a.m.
Attention Grampa Fred in the maroon Buick who sailed so majestically through your red light and right across my front bumper: if, as you claim, "that's the way [you] drive every morning", then maybe it's time you hang up the car keys and let someone else drive.
switched from full paycheck every week to partial paycheck (from sat at nissan) every week and full check every two weeks.
Rent is due on the 1st, I get paid 1 weeks pay on the 23 and then 2 weeks on the 6th of August. (rent is approx 2 weeks pay)I don't have anything in the bank (just overdrafted, actually) thanks to how E36 M3ty my last month (and my last week, particularly) at nissan has been. I wish I wouldn't have been the nice guy and worked my two weeks notice, I wouldn't have this problem right now.
Just discovered today that the new General Manager (seriously, sent to our location from 'headquarters' about the same time I got hired) at my new job is a hard-core Corporate Guy, and has been making thundering Trump-like "YOU'RE FIRED!" noises (Morning/Noon news anchor cut loose today) throughout the station since he arrived.
I made a mistake today, and yeah..I'm enough of a professional to stand on my feet, look you in the eye, and say "I made a mistake." I did program the automation incorrectly for the home town feed while trying to keep up with the four other stations (stations in SC/TN/KS/MO) were trying to do. Didn't lose us any money, just not pretty on the air. You want two people to do the work of six, you shouldn't whine when things go wrong, you stupid berkeley.
So, Mista Bidnessman..what's your choice? You gonna kick me to the curb with your new "Zero Tolerance" policy, even though I've only been here for a month and a half?
I've seen that crap before, at a company that has tens (and perhaps tens of thousands, I'm too lazy to do your berkeleying research for you) more viewers than your varied little "local" stations.
This will not end well for you, sir. If your initial reaction is to kick out all of us who actually can do this thing without a mistake 98% of the time, you have a 'rude awakening' appearing on your desk in the future. When you discard us, you will find people who will make many more mistakes than we do.
/rant: I haven't been fired yet, gotta sweat the next week.
pretty sure my boss thinks I'm retarded.
Its very different here, I'm coming from working on japanese cars to working on germans, I've done a little bit of work on MB, VW and BMW but not all that much, so it's pretty much all completely new for me.
I have a box stocked with tools slated for asian vehicles, and the shop is completely different in almost every way from what I'm used to, so understandably it's weird adjusting to it.
I take too long on some things because they are new to me and I don't want to screw up, and I'm over thinking some things and not thinking about others logically (nervous I think)
I had a bunch of problems yanking the motor and trans from a vw caddy to prep it for a vr6 swap (all told, an hour here, 15 minutes there, it probably took me 4 hours maybe from disconnecting all electrics and fluids and such to today at 615 when I lifted the truck off the assy) and he's saying it should be a 45 minute job.
I'm just hoping I'm not screwing this up because I want this to work out. I like all the people here and I like this place (even if the hop is insanely hot and my fan sucks lol)
pretty sure my boss thinks I'm retarded.
Its very different here, I'm coming from working on japanese cars to working on germans, I've done a little bit of work on MB, VW and BMW but not all that much, so it's pretty much all completely new for me.
I have a box stocked with tools slated for asian vehicles, and the shop is completely different in almost every way from what I'm used to, so understandably it's weird adjusting to it.
I take too long on some things because they are new to me and I don't want to screw up, and I'm over thinking some things and not thinking about others logically (nervous I think)
I had a bunch of problems yanking the motor and trans from a vw caddy to prep it for a vr6 swap (all told, an hour here, 15 minutes there, it probably took me 4 hours maybe from disconnecting all electrics and fluids and such to today at 615 when I lifted the truck off the assy) and he's saying it should be a 45 minute job.
I'm just hoping I'm not screwing this up because I want this to work out. I like all the people here and I like this place (even if the hop is insanely hot and my fan sucks lol)
7/18/13 9:59 p.m.
corytate wrote:
pretty sure my boss thinks I'm retarded.
Its very different here, I'm coming from working on japanese cars to working on germans, I've done a little bit of work on MB, VW and BMW but not all that much, so it's pretty much all completely new for me.
I have a box stocked with tools slated for asian vehicles, and the shop is completely different in almost every way from what I'm used to, so understandably it's weird adjusting to it.
I take too long on some things because they are new to me and I don't want to screw up, and I'm over thinking some things and not thinking about others logically (nervous I think)
I had a bunch of problems yanking the motor and trans from a vw caddy to prep it for a vr6 swap (all told, an hour here, 15 minutes there, it probably took me 4 hours maybe from disconnecting all electrics and fluids and such to today at 615 when I lifted the truck off the assy) and he's saying it should be a 45 minute job.
I'm just hoping I'm not screwing this up because I want this to work out. I like all the people here and I like this place (even if the hop is insanely hot and my fan sucks lol)
Explain all of that to him.