Hennessy Porsche(of the same named Hennessy Honda of Woodstock) has a dude working in the service department doing track inspections for free. That's fine and all but he has now told two of our customers that they have cracked wheels. Problem is, there are no cracks on any of the wheels.
Apparently there is a thread out somewhere where a dude had one of these wheels fail on his Porsche at a track day. These guys at Hennessy are telling everyone with these wheels that there are "hairline cracks" in them. We think it is just to cover their asses or something.
7/19/13 12:20 p.m.
I have driven over 750 miles in the last 6 business days.
7/19/13 11:37 p.m.
I hate people who try to sell "rare" cars without even looking to see what the E36 M3's worth.
A volare, no matter how nice you think it is, is not worth 7 grand. Take the only other ad, a 78 wagon that looked like it just rolled off the lot, and it's going for 3400 bucks. Plus, if you're going to say it's a roadrunner package car, you should try putting some of the stuff those versions had on your car.
A 79 Magnum isn't worth 9 grand. Even with all of the very generic mods you've done to the 360. It's still just a tarted up Cordoba. And yes, while I get that it's your car, and yes, you know it's rare, saying if you don't sell it you're going to cut it up into a drag car because "you gatta have fun" makes you look like a berkeleywit of the highest order. Putting a photo of you doing a burnout really makes me think you've taken great care of it as well.
Dear sir, you have lost your berkeleying mind if you think I'm going to pay 10000 dollars for a 3000gt. I get it, you dumped a ton of money into the engine and the suspension. Good for you, but since you made a mention of pretty much every mod and not once did you mention the trans, I'm going to laugh in your berkeleying face.
well, first official part time day at Nissan... made about $75 before tax. I don't really feel thats worth the difference between working a 5 day, 48ish hour week and working a 6 day 56 hour week.
Need to end this crap asap.
Positively thinking, though, it just reminded me of how much better the new place is compared to Nissan=]
I just saw a guy ride by my house on a motorcycle, wearing shorts and a T-shirt, texting.
fasted58 wrote:
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I just saw a guy ride by my house on a motorcycle, wearing shorts and a T-shirt, texting.
paging Darwin
Seen that a couple of times. 
7/20/13 8:28 p.m.
Just because the fiancee is out of town, does not mean you have to eat the WHOLE pizza. ...burp... (I was really hungry)
why are these berkeleytards setting off berkeleying loud ass fireworks at 11pm?
And I'm talking insanely loud. One sounded like a mortar round.
We have spent the past week working 12 hour graveyard with only two of the normally three people on the shift. Give us a replacement ASAP and get off my ass when things dont all get done quite as well as you would like.
Got a letter today saying I have to go meet with the employment office minions next Friday. Basically have to take a day off from looking for work to go prove to them that I have actually been looking for work. Oh and when I last talked to them they said I had to be looking for work in the same field as my last job...uh you mean the last job that was damn near a monopoly around these parts, didn't pay enough to begin with, is a dying industry and had to let me go because they have lost so much business? Yep that make perfect sense to me.
Beer Baron wrote:
We have spent the past week working 12 hour graveyard with only two of the normally three people on the shift. Give us a replacement ASAP and get off my ass when things dont all get done quite as well as you would like.
Heh. I'm sensing a similar theme to my own rants.
Hate to admit it, but I had to get it out somewhere:
She Who Is No Longer To be Obeyed.
I kept picking up dryer lint off the floor in the laundry room. I have a little 2 gallon trash can I use to throw it in and the paper from the dryer. I empty it in the shop when it's full for fire starter.
I was beginning to think I had a major mouse problem digging my lint out but i've never seen other signs of mice.
The other morning I had brushed my teeth and came down the stairs... When I saw it with my own eyes! The most frustrating thing a man can see. My GF pitched the lint toward the can and watched it fall to the floor then walked off casually.
I went off! I mean like I burst a blood vessel I was so mad. I have enough poison around the house set and traps I'm surprised I haven't developed a twitch and lost a toe.
She acted like it was no big deal and got mad at me. I have been looking for an engagement ring but I'm about ready to pull the plug, it's really given me doubts about raising a family with someone so careless.
End Rant.
I spent the day at on the lake and got a small sunburn. It really was a rough day 

Why does gear oil have to be so sticky, they should include gloves with each bottle, charge a bit more, they'd make a killing, ditto on expanding foam in a can.
Bought a Dodge pickup bed converted into a trailer. Nice job done on it. Mentioned that I'm a Mopar guy. Seller is a Chevy guy.....He has several El Caminos in various states of exploded view, one actually runs but must have been surplused from mosquito abatement.
Seller becomes "that guy". Starts regaling me about his one and only Mopar, a '70 Charger GTX, 440 six-pac police interceptor with a four onna floor"
And I'm trapped in line at AAA getting a title transfer on the trailer with him.
So tempted to call him out and tell him he's full of explosivly ejected bovine excrement.....
I bite my tounge instead and just consider the fact that he's an idiot.
7/21/13 7:52 p.m.
Better you than me, I constantly get into arguments with people about that.
Chrycos and Mitsus, the two brands I know tons of useless information about, DO NOT TEST ME MORTALS. I mean seriously, I don't do that E36 M3 with ferd and chubby guys, but they seem to always want to argue semantics and bullE36 M3 with me about random ass chryslers. AND I ALWAYS TAKE THE BAIT LIKE AN ANUS.
You guys are doing it wrong. My favorite days are baiting Mopar people. Its the easiest thing in the world to do.
I am desperately searching for a classic mopar to use in a demolition derby. If I ever win the lotto, I'm buying a wing car for a thunderstocker. Heads would be exploding all over.
All day on the couch with beers.
Hate Sundays off.
(seriously considering part time work on top of 50 a week for Costco)
7/21/13 8:05 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
You guys are doing it wrong. My favorite days are baiting Mopar people. Its the easiest thing in the world to do.
I am desperately searching for a classic mopar to use in a demolition derby. If I ever win the lotto, I'm buying a wing car for a thunderstocker. Heads would be exploding all over.
FYI, I'll kill you with a hammer.
Your right Streetwise...heads would definatly explode LOL!
Just got home from visiting my grandfather after one of his nurses called to tell me he has refused to take a shower for the second week in a row. He only takes one a week as it is. His response when I asked him about it? "Well I brushed off". It's like dealing with a 5 year old.
DSL sucks, it was only sorta fast when it came out, now it just sucks.