7/26/13 2:32 p.m.
Sierra Club just put out some outrageous BS about coal plants. Got this in a company email today.
I work at one(Monroe, MI). Without getting in depth, what they've 'found' is a complete load of crap. I wish these people could burn in hell.
Company's official standing on it:
· Any discharge from DTE’s coal-fired power plants is regulated and monitored by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The MDEQ has plant-specific limitations on discharges, and DTE is compliant with the regulations. The water discharged to rivers and lakes under state permits is very clean already.
· Discharge standards are currently under review by the EPA. DTE will comply with any changes to those standards.
The waste water that comes out of the plant is cleaner than the water that goes INTO it.... especially with the new stacks/scrubbers etc.
In reply to beans:
"Don't like coal? Sit and freeze your ass off in the dark."
I sit in the middle of coal country. There is a "new" series of underground mines opening back up, basically previously opened mines that shut down. But guess what? Those mines have standing in line purchasers based in China...... Who is kidding who here?
logdog wrote:
I think its BS that the cat gets to sleep all day while I have to go to work.
Oh man, this is so true. I swear every morning while I'm draggin' off to work at 6:30 a.m., she makes a point of making eye contact from the Lazyboy, yawns as wide as she can, then rolls over and closes her eyes. I've nearly hosed her down with the sink sprayer just for spite.
slowride wrote:
Whomever invented the homeowner's association should be kicked in the nuts. Also, old ladies need hobbies.
Amen. In our case, it was the old man that was the know it all prick. Then he died and his wife took his place in title and prickdom.
Jerry wrote:
My mom called last night, I was eating, I sent it to VM.
My mom is dead. She can't call. I wish she could because I would like to tell her what a great influence she was and how much I loved her.
Redneck Day: AZ
Dear HS Morons:
You're making rednecks look bad. Quit it, posers.
7/26/13 3:01 p.m.
kazoospec wrote:
logdog wrote:
I think its BS that the cat gets to sleep all day while I have to go to work.
Oh man, this is so true. I swear every morning while I'm draggin' off to work at 6:30 a.m., she makes a point of making eye contact from the Lazyboy, yawns as wide as she can, then rolls over and closes her eyes. I've nearly hosed her down with the sink sprayer just for spite.
My dad hates cats. My mom brought one home about 20 years ago. It lived its entire life in the basement because it was a total bitch from day 1. I hate cats.
We got a puppy about 2 years later, cat scratched the puppy, dad made cat disapper. Good riddance. A dog loves you more than anything else in the world, a cat only cares that you clean it's E36 M3box out and you feed it.
7/26/13 3:18 p.m.
beans wrote:
My dad hates cats. My mom brought one home about 20 years ago. It lived its entire life in the basement because it was a total bitch from day 1. I hate cats.
We got a puppy about 2 years later, cat scratched the puppy, dad made cat disapper. Good riddance. A dog loves you more than anything else in the world, a cat only cares that you clean it's E36 M3box out and you feed it.
You're doing it wrong but your dad has a big influence on your attitude.
Your mom has a bigger heart.
You can learn a lot from both of them....
beans wrote:
...A dog loves you more than anything else in the world, a cat only cares that you clean it's E36 M3box out and you feed it.
Let's be a bit more realistic here:
- Some cats are a-holes
- Some dogs are a-holes
- Some people are a-holes
Generalizing can be bad... mmmkay...
7/26/13 4:29 p.m.
beans wrote:
My dad hates cats. My mom brought one home about 20 years ago. It lived its entire life in the basement because it was a total bitch from day 1. I hate cats.
We got a puppy about 2 years later, cat scratched the puppy, dad made cat disapper. Good riddance. A dog loves you more than anything else in the world, a cat only cares that you clean it's E36 M3box out and you feed it.
Wait... You had a 22 year old cat and your dad made it disappear?
I am now single again after almost 4 years. Feels weird. At least we didn't get married...and we parted on friendly terms. The rant part is my commute has quadrupled and it sucks!
Damnit. Too may clouds to see any meteors tonight. 
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
Anti-stance wrote:
Yep, HOAs suck big balls. I will never own another place that has a HOA. I'd rather live in an apartment.
Uh, no. Think that over. Apartment mgrs can enter your home anytime they want. HOA cannot.
I'm not saying an apartment is the greatest option. After the problems I had with my old condo HOA and having a rotting building as fees continued to go up, I'd rather have an apartment manager enter whenever they like.
Why do I see car after car 1,000 above my budget limit?
The only car I've looked at within my budget was wrecked. It still had half a deer buried in the grill. I didn't mind. Still want to buy it and they won't call me back. So now as I expand my search everything is outside of my means.
I just need something for work to keep miles off my truck... And anything g that doesn't get 16mpg highway.
7/28/13 1:15 a.m.
In reply to FranktheTank:
We are buying a new car in the spring. We are hoping to do well enough this year that we could afford a Volt, but part of me thinks that a used Aston can't be that bad of a daily driver. I only go to the train and back most days.
berkeley decorating cakes for my daughter's birthday party today.... More nerve racking then blueprinting an engine or perfectly sanding down filler on a panel....

Of course this is missing the Doc McStuffins figures..... 
7/28/13 10:05 a.m.
Ranger50 wrote:
In reply to beans:
"Don't like coal? Sit and freeze your ass off in the dark."
I sit in the middle of coal country. There is a "new" series of underground mines opening back up, basically previously opened mines that shut down. But guess what? Those mines have standing in line purchasers based in China...... Who is kidding who here?
Where it will be used to make light bulbs and heaters so we don't have to sit in the dark and freeze.
In reply to Wally:
I'm just saying that for what we "won't use", someone else will gladly will. Plus I have yet to see hydro, solar, nuclear power be available to supply the required power.
I'm babysitting... A human being. It's 7 months old. I made a couple joking comments about forgetting to water 'it' and going to check my honey bee hives. Now phsycho overprotective mother won't leave us alone. If you don't trust us, take your child with you shopping. It's that easy.
Okay, I get the fact that people have pet peeves and many large by huge companies behave in less than ethical or legal manners. So how do you boycott someone who has fingers, toes and other appendages in just about everything "boycottable" on the store shelf hmm? Nothing you buy is completely "taint free". Then it just becomes a conveniant exercise in feeling all shiney and happy while sneering at us lesser mortals. I know! lets all go live the hunter gatherer lifestyle
kill small animals for food and clothe ourselves in their skin. Rip innocent plants from Mother Earth and torture them in boiling water raped from Gia's rivers before greedily ripping them to shreds with our carnivorous teeth. Oh snap, there went that idea. 
Makes ya wanna throat punch some people 
People at work were way too nice today, actually smiling n E36 M3... better cover my ass, something is amok. 
7/30/13 12:13 a.m.
Why won't this Berkleying piece of E36 M3 windage tray that I am making cut me a break and fit? I've been massaging it into place for the past week, and every time I think I've got it, it hangs up in some other place. Damn it!
Ins is due. Car payment due. Credit card. Medical bills. Owe money on a transmission still. Not sure why it all hit home today. I mean... I get paid Thursday. I'm going to buy an engagement ring today and it was all I could stand to pull the money out of my account.
If the trans hadn't gone out and she hadn't had gallbladder issues I could swing the rest and take her on a vacation. Or more likely just buy another car... but still, at least it would be within budget!