Mrs. Zero's Granny passed on last Tuesday
Took her to the FIL's house on Thursday so they could catch a flight to attend the funeral on Saturday.
Granddad Zero was admitted on last Wednesday to the hospital. Sister Zero has PoA and asshat cousins made a scene about it claiming the PoA is false and such (even though my sister is primary care giver). The cousins were already plotting and scheming on cars, land, etc they will be claiming . . .
Granddad Zero requested me late Friday night. I drove down 3 hrs last night. We sat for a bit and talked while he had a little strength before the meds kicked in. I came back last night to get Mrs. Zero from FIL's house 1.5 hrs away.
He passed a few hours ago and I'll be heading back tomorrow . . . Not to grieve, but to be a bouncer for Sister Zero as we make preparations for the funeral.
If you haven't helped up this point, we don't need you now. If your only concern for what is in the will or what you can get . . . ugh . . . The next few days are not going to be fun for them
8/4/13 11:14 p.m.
Best of luck with it, and my sincerest condolences to both you and your wife, as well as your families. I lost my grandma nearly two months ago now, though it still feels just like yesterday. Grandpa is doing as good as he can and is in phenomenal health for an 89 year old, but how do you go from being married to someone for 66 years to living alone? He told my aunt, "I don't want to learn to do my laundry". Frankly, I don't blame him.
I'm more and more thankful that they decided a few years ago to sell the vacation home. While everyone hated the decision at the time, it really was the right one. It is easy to divide money 5 ways. It is much harder to divide belongings.
In reply to Strike_Zero:
You have my condolences. We lost my Grandfather earlier in the year, and unfortunately aren't betting on either his wife or my other Grandmother being around for too much longer either. I'm quite thankful that before my Grandfather started to lose his grip on reality (berk Alzheimers) he got everything in order so there wasn't any doubt regarding what shoudl happen with their assets. I'm also quite thankful we have a relatively small family and nobody who would make any kind of a scene about things like that.
Dear Saturn lady, your car is not 17 feet wide. Thank you.
Apparently the new GM at my saturday job (nissan) has instituted a zero tolerance for swear words policy. In a shop. yeah.
Apparently he's bringing in 5 "minions" to walk around and catch people cursing. If you are caught cursing, you are immediately fired.
corytate wrote:
Apparently the new GM at my saturday job (nissan) has instituted a zero tolerance for swear words policy. In a shop. yeah.
Apparently he's bringing in 5 "minions" to walk around and catch people cursing. If you are caught cursing, you are immediately fired.
If you are like anybody else from the board you are probably hollering "Berkley" and "E36M3" anyway so you should be fine.
I would be fired the first time a wrench slipped and my knuckles ate a frame....
Or a piece of slag burned through my shirt welding.
8/5/13 12:02 p.m.
corytate wrote:
Apparently the new GM at my saturday job (nissan) has instituted a zero tolerance for swear words policy. In a shop. yeah.
Apparently he's bringing in 5 "minions" to walk around and catch people cursing. If you are caught cursing, you are immediately fired.
Set up a bunch of tape players/cd players/boom boxes around, hidden in the rafters and random places and have them play swear words at random intervals in random voices.
I almost regret having gone on the vacation to Europe and getting the chance to drive again in Germany- it renewed my hatred of American drivers all the more.
The main 'highway' that runs around Lexington, New Circle Road, is having work done on the bridges over the weekends such that one lane (of two) is closed on each side. There are signs up for several miles beforehand letting people know which lane is closed. It's inevitable there will be backups, since there are on-ramps right before several of the bridges where people will have to merge- but generally the people already on the road accept that people need to merge and traffic flows reasonably well.
Unfortunately not everyone plays as nicely as everyone else- and you get people who decide to go up to the very last minute in the lane that is closing and then try and cut in- THIS causes backups, because obviously the people they're cutting in front of think (arguably correctly) that the people trying to cut in are being entitled berktards and don't like to let them in easily. This happened over the weekend, one car behind me- a large SUV decided to merge right behind me, and the other large SUV that was in line behind me didn't want to let him- resulting in them driving side-by-side, half on and half off the road, almost until the full merge. I kept hoping the car in front of me wouldn't stop short so that I'd have to slam on the brakes, because I just knew that they'd not be paying enough attention and one or both of them would pancake my little Saturn between them and the car in front of me. Thankfully that didn't happen.
In short (TOO LATE!)...
1. Americans as a whole need to learn to berking merge properly and
2. Don't be an entitled shiny happy person
corytate wrote:
Apparently the new GM at my saturday job (nissan) has instituted a zero tolerance for swear words policy. In a shop. yeah.
Apparently he's bringing in 5 "minions" to walk around and catch people cursing. If you are caught cursing, you are immediately fired.
Things have sure changed since we used to smoke in the shop with girly calenders on our toolboxes.
corytate wrote:
Apparently the new GM at my saturday job (nissan) has instituted a zero tolerance for swear words policy. In a shop. yeah.
Apparently he's bringing in 5 "minions" to walk around and catch people cursing. If you are caught cursing, you are immediately fired.
Because that's TOTALLY an efficient use of manpower.
Though I suppose it's a good way to get more Liberal Arts majors into the workforce. 
I feel you. My mother is only 60-ish and my older brother is already talking about will this and what he gets that.
Berk, shes 60, not 90!
Actually, I havent spoken to him since last year. He told me to my face that he didn't care if I died because it meant that he got more stuff from family members passing. That plus things like giving up his son, trying to declare bankrupcy over $1,600, insulting my fiance, and being a general scheming piece of scum since he was a child. Refused to talk to him ever since. He makes me angry enough that I cannot speak, life is better without him in the picture.
Probably doing a will for myself soon, trying to decide what nastyness I could write into it. Can you bequeath someone an arse-whoopin?
Datsun310Guy wrote:
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
corytate wrote:
Apparently the new GM at my saturday job (nissan) has instituted a zero tolerance for swear words policy. In a shop. yeah.
Apparently he's bringing in 5 "minions" to walk around and catch people cursing. If you are caught cursing, you are immediately fired.
Wow, that is crazy.
berkeleying right it is
Sounds like a job for Roman Tony Maronie language.
"You lousy cork-soakers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes... like yourselves."
In reply to Apexcarver:
Depends on if Monty Python is real or not...
And to my dearest loving brother I leave, A kick to the head!!
Berk you alcohol gas! And berk you old-ass car with a carburetor! And berk you California hippie laws that have made new gas cans completely berking worthless!!!
In reply to Javelin:

I've pitched all my "environmentally safe" gas cans. They dump more fuel on the ground than they do into anything.
I do get a few strange looks when I'm filling up the lawnmower, but these don't spill a drop. 
Javelin wrote:
Berk you alcohol gas! And berk you old-ass car with a carburetor! And berk you California hippie laws that have made new gas cans completely berking worthless!!!
I and another board member have these on order from a local hardware store. I'm hoping this solves that problem:
8/5/13 6:16 p.m.
corytate wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to Javelin:
I've pitched all my "environmentally safe" gas cans. They dump more fuel on the ground than they do into anything.
I do get a few strange looks when I'm filling up the lawnmower, but these don't spill a drop.
A Grown ups gas can. if you don't want to but the hose that screws into the cap the work with a funnel too.
In reply to Wally:
Yeah, the hose is required. My gas cap is behind the license plate.
I had hoped my supervisor was better than this, but the berkeleying with my school time has started already. I was denied my request off for a doctor's appointment Wednesday, and now tonight I have to work until 4am, which gives me nearly two hours of sleep before I have to get back up again and start class.
Its time to HTFU....and maybe have a coffee. 
Racer1ab wrote:
I had hoped my supervisor was better than this, but the berkeleying with my school time has started already. I was denied my request off for a doctor's appointment Wednesday, and now tonight I have to work until 4am, which gives me nearly two hours of sleep before I have to get back up again and start class.
Its time to HTFU....and maybe have a coffee.
Good on ya!
My fiance did over a year of her masters on 4 hours of sleep a night, I have no idea how a person could do it. I would kill someone a few weeks in.
I did want to smash the alarm clock this morning...
Tonight's possible six hours of sleep is gonna look positively luxurious by comparison.