4/4/16 1:30 p.m.
In reply to paranoid_android74:
Ok. I though about rewiring (I only need 12v as well) but I just bought this today: http://www.amazon.com/Rockminer-Breakout-Board-ATX-Adapter/dp/B00V44UNXU?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
I want to keep the connectors intact in case I want to take the power supply back for something else and have the club buy their own power supply to use with it.
Bought a new shirt yesterday, have independently received two compliments from ladies in the office today 
Fixed my trucks coolant leak for 2.45, i find cheap fixes to be a win.
Just went to check out the house i will be moving into this week. 2.5-ish car garage, 7' tall door, already has peg board all over and garage shelving/bench for storage/working on stuff. 
also the house is nice too i guess.
On behalf of my basement dwelling brother: after many years of disappointment on the dating scene, he got engaged this winter to a woman who appears to enjoy his oddities. Then, after years of slogging away at his writing while supporting himself as a server at a chain restaurant just yesterday he landed his dream job editing/writing for a major online fantasy football company. The downside of which is a brutal 90 mile commute but still, it's a big-boy job with a real paycheck and benefits and everything.
It's been a nice week at work. Very busy as we are shorthanded, but stress free. I get one more week till the laziest guy on the crew gets back from vacation and the drama can resume
I had a youngster try to impress me yesterday. I dug the Camaro out to bring it to the shop for new tires, and stopped on the way to vote. Came out, and a kid was sitting beside my car in a lowered JDM Forrester with a fart can, and as he saw me get into my car, he made his exhaust pipe blatter at me. I didn't say anything, not even, "Your minivan sounds funny."
Reminded me of my youth.
I took today off to get some deffered maintenance done on the Burrito Fleet and get all of the building materials from stage of of demo on the Burrito Abode. It's 82*F outside, just shy of 3pm, and I have already accomplished everything I wanted to today.
It also happens to be National Burrito Day!
4/8/16 11:33 p.m.
having moved back to my hometown, I started going to the church I used to go to. Something I hadn't remembered from before was the S2000 in the parking lot. Turns out the guy is about my age, wants to autox the car, and has friends in high places at a local body/paint shop. Looks like I made a new friend :D
bought stock for 3 projects around the house.
Finished all 3 projects before the wife came home.
My parts car sat in my yard next too my garage all winter. Needed to move it last night so i hooked the battery back up and it fired right up!
4/19/16 11:57 a.m.
I FINALLY got the ok to move in the new place, so I'm pumped.
As an aside, the place comes with a garage full of beer. That's not an exaggeration. It's like $2k worth of a vast variety of fancy pants beers. No idea why someone would keep that much 'in stock' for personal use, but I'm thinking it points to a problem, which is why it's not going with. I don't drink, but now I have plenty of bartering materials I guess?
4/19/16 12:08 p.m.
Rufledt wrote:
I FINALLY got the ok to move in the new place, so I'm pumped.
As an aside, the place comes with a garage full of beer. That's not an exaggeration. It's like $2k worth of a vast variety of fancy pants beers. No idea why someone would keep that much 'in stock' for personal use, but I'm thinking it points to a problem, which is why it's not going with. I don't drink, but now I have plenty of bartering materials I guess?
Is it is Wisconsin? Any New Glarus?
4/19/16 1:49 p.m.
In reply to mtn: if the new glarus signs around the garage are any indication, I'm sure there is plenty.
In reply to Rufledt:
One of my best friend's/next door neighbor's dad used to own a bar. Lost his liquor license for the bar (something about serving a guy who caused a DUI wreck...forget the exact details) around the summer of my junior year in high school and ALL of the alcohol had to be out of the bar immediately. So it ended up in their garage, stacked in a pile that filled one entire bay to about 5 feet deep. It was like every E36 M3head teenager's wildest dream come true.
4/19/16 3:08 p.m.
Rufledt wrote:
In reply to mtn: if the new glarus signs around the garage are any indication, I'm sure there is plenty.
Where in Wisconsin are you?
4/20/16 9:39 a.m.
In reply to mtn:
Close enough to Illinois that I once got to the border and back in an afternoon, on a bicycle
so I was planning on going down to Chesapeake Light Craft in Annapolis to get myself a few sheets of 3mm Sapele plywood for my boat. I just found a place not 10 miles away that carries it.. and it's cheaper to boot!
Summer is officially here. Just got back from the beer store with my first case of Flying Dogs Dead Rise. Woohoo! Old Bay beer may not sound good, but I absolutely love it to drink and especially to cook sea food with. And rumor has it, they'll be bottling the Double Dead Rise, made with Old Bay Hot this year.
I did an oil change yesterday and didn't make a mess 
The injectors in the throttle body injection failed in the El Camino Hydro lock in the engine. Cheapest local would be a 160 bucks. Got them for 85 shipt from eBay. I guess half price is a win.
These days the minor wins are what I have to revel in... was able to successfully make a run to the grocery store on the scooter yesterday. I've done this a few times before- but not while also managing to grab a bouquet of flowers for SWMBO and transport them back to the house (on the scooter) without them getting trashed in the process.
4/28/16 2:51 p.m.
The Manic Miata was experiencing a fairly notable high-load miss. $11 worth of spark plugs and 20 minutes with a wrench cured it. 
Organizing for One Lap and realized that I am almost out of deodorant, so I bought more. A whole aisle full of options, but the choice was obvious.