Really is it that hard for most people wake-up in the morning? Give me 15 minutes I'll be out the door. My wife, takes about a 90 minutes. She ask me how I could get so easly I replied "In high school my dad would turn on the lights in my room and let the dogs jump on my bed". You would want to get out of bed too.
10/2/08 9:47 a.m.
It depends. In the summer, I wake at 4:45 or 5:00, and am out the door with my teeth brushed in 5 minutes, breakfast in hand. In high school, it was up at 6:30, snooze, snooze, snooze, shower, breakfast, etc... total time from bed to door was maybe 30 minutes. Now I'm in college, and it depends on if I shower, or shave; really the only thing I have to do is brush my teeth. All of this is usually with only about 4-5 hours of sleep. I get naps every day.
I do love that snooze button. Sometimes I set my alarm early just to hit it.
Yes. Being a night owl and having a love of beer don't help. 
10/2/08 9:58 a.m.
I don't get up in the morning. My wife gets up for work at 6 am. she has a loud alarm clock, and turns the lights on to get dressed and has only waken me up once or twice. It probably doesn't help that I go to bed at about 3:30am
When i wake up i'm ready to go, maybe 5 minutes of being groggy. My wife, on the other hand.....
My morning includes at least 1/2 hour of sipping coffee while staring aimlessly at the morning news. I have also been known to fall back asleep in the shower. I don't do mornings well.
8am alarm goes off, some news channel goes on the tv.
8:15am news goes off, i get in shower. (brush teeth while in shower to enjoy warm water while brushing)
8:30am out the door and into the car to drive to school
8:45am arrive at school, organize bookbag while in car and walk to class (also used as buffer time in case im running late for some reason)
9am class
unless its for autocross, I HATE getting up in the morning. (in the summer or on weekends it can be a challenge to get me up before noon) that said, ill drag my ass up pretty quickly.
My alarm goes off at 4:30am. I hit snooze twice, then struggle to stay awake in the shower. I usually end up taking almost a half hour shower because i zone out and cant concentrate on anything that early.
Then i get dressed, get out the door by 5:20am to get to work for my 6-2:30 shift.
It's awful. I'm one of those people that can't function unless they get 10 hours of sleep. Probably because i don't sleep real soundly in the first place.
On the plus side, by the time i finally really wake up for they day, it's almost time to go home and get to work on my projects. :)
Getting up in the morning sux. Any time before 10 is awful.
I am just naturally a late sleeper. In the summers I get up every morning at about 7am (cursing the alarm) to go fishing with dad and it takes me over a half hour to get coherent enough to go fishing. Even after two months of doing that every morning, I instantly fall back into the later schedule. When I was in college I never took an early class. Even if I went to bed and slept 9 hours, getting up at 7 am was something that I just couldn't do. I'd wake up at 9 with the alarm having been screaming since 7.
It doesn't have anything to do with habits for me. I drove school buses for three years, and I quit because I felt like I wasn't attentive enough to be responsible for the safety of kids that early. I'd get up at 5:30, be driving the bus by 6:15, but I wasn't "awake" until after I dropped the kids off at school at 7:45.
Last night I went to bed at 12 and laid there awake until 3am. I woke up this morning at about 11. About the only thing I can do to alter my schedule (like if I need to get to sleep early so I could get up at a certain time) is to take Ambien... and not that wussy 5mg stuff or the controlled release... just give me a 10mg pill and two shots of whiskey. I'll be out in 15 minutes :)
10/2/08 12:16 p.m.
Yeah....... definitely not a morning person. Typical morning involves sleeping through 3 alarms and missing a test
I'm a morning person. My wife and friends all believe I'm related to birds, when the sun goes down, I turn off. A hint of color in the morning, and "pop", I'm wide awake.
My wife on the other hand.... She's actually kinda cute first awoken, her eyes don't even always point in the same direction when she first opens them.
10/2/08 12:45 p.m.
If left to my own devices, I'll be awake at about 9am. My girlfriend will naturally stay in bed until 11am or noon. We usually go to bed at similar times too.
Gives me 2 uninterrupted hours of guilt-free video game time.
Only problem is that I get hungry waiting for her to wake up before fixing breakfast.
If I have a car thing, I'm pretty restless the night before and am usually up half an hour before whatever I set my alarm for.
I wonder what it is that makes some of us naturally morning people and others not.
My girlfriend will sleep in as late as me, and takes naps during the day as well. It's not like she springs out of bed at 5am every morning, however, when she does get it up, she goes from 0-60 in about 2.0 seconds.
My problem is that I take so long to actually wake up. So if I'm tired in the morning, I can roll out of bed, start to prepare myself for the day, and then fall back asleep I don't eat or get a shower.
On the downside to that, I can watch a movie till 11pm, lay in bed, and not get tired until 1am.
Worst of all, it seems like I'm always tired on the days when I have the most amount of sleep. UGH!
I am a morning person 6:00-7:00am. I get up early to travel for work sometimes: 3:15am-4:30am.
I once took a 5:30am Pittsburgh flight through O'Hare airport and was up at 2:45am to get showered.
My wife is a night owl and laughs at the idea of going to bed at 10:30pm. She claims she needs "wind down time".
I get up for work at 4:40, take a shower, make coffee, and out the door for a 45 mile drive to be at work at 0600.
I need to go to bed by about 10:00 at the latest, and usually 9:30 to deal with this schedule.
The only thing that does not get easier with practice is getting up early!
The upside to this is that BBC world news keeps me company on the ride to work, so I get a head start on the world, since London is 5 hours ahead of eastern time.
Daily routine:
5:30- damn rooster cell phone alarm goes off. Cursing ensues. Hit 'Snooze' at least twice.
Sixish: fumble for glasses, then roll out of bed, gotta pee. I know better than to turn on the lights, it's hard to aim in the dark. I give up, sit down to pee. Hear the sounds of snoring all over the house.
6:05- in the kitchen, only the cat and I are awake and he's hungry and pissed off. Feed the cat before he draws blood. Pour a cup of coffee, go get newspaper. Cuss at the headline du jour, joggers cross the street.
6:10- the kid's breakfast is ready. How hard can it be to put Fruity Pebbles in a bowl if Dad can do it?
6:15- go wake up the kid. She swears her Nintendo DS alarm wakes her up. Umm, no. Dad does.
6:30- Kid is eating, her school lunch is done, Dad staggers back to the bedroom to be greeted by snoring wife and dog. In sync, almost. Turn on bathroom light, hear muffled curses.
6:45- Dad's done shaving and showering, the wife bounces in bright eyed and bushy tailed like nothing is wrong, yeah it's because you got an extra half hour sleep. 
6:55- Dad hits the garage door button, decides to take the Jensen. The day is suddenly much brighter. 
AX or dirt bike weekend:
5AM- the wonderful sound of the rooster! Yee HAW! Bounce out of bed, rush through the E36 M3 shave n' shower routine and hit the road by 6AM, happy as a clam. 
I work second shift at a call center. I don't have to be at work until 1PM. I usually roll out of bed at noon-ish. I've been working up until w close the doors at midnight the past couple of nights so I can get enough money together for a new project car.
I've never been a morning person, and this job doesn't help matters too much.
I was never a morning person.. until I got a job that required me to be at work by 5:30 am...
Morning person here. Have been since infancy. Generally I am up before the alarm goes off at 4:10 AM. Sleeping in on the weekends translates to maybe 5. Fortunately the Mrs. is as well, which makes getting up at 2:30 to get to the track painless. The flip side is that 9:00 PM is basically the middle of the night for us.
10/3/08 7:54 a.m.
I'm more of an afternoon person myself but I can segue into a night-owl with little problem.
My wife passes out about 8:30 p.m. given the chance, while I'm just coming to life. She'll also nap in the afternoon - I can't do that. If I do, I'm stupider than usual for the rest of the day.
Weekdays, I'm up at 6 or 6:30, depending on whether I'm on "early" shift at work. I'm actually semi-coherent around 7 or 7:30, just in time for the commute.
On weekends, she's up by 7 a.m. at the latest, chipper and ready to get started on whatever the project of the day happens to be. I usually just growl at her and stay in bed until 8-ish.
10/3/08 8:20 a.m.
For a lot of people it is that hard to get up. I'm the morning person in our family, and even I'm not that good. I can be up and out the door in 30 minutes if I shower (15 if I don't) if circumstances require, but I sure won't be happy about it. I'd rather have an hour. And that's after probably 2 snoozes on the clock.
Some people pop up at the crack of dawn but need toothpicks to stay awake after 10p. Some people prefer going to bed at 1:00a but would rather wake up after the sun's been out a while. It's all in what your body likes and is used to.
(I will use last night as my typical day:)
My mornings start about 9:00 the night before, we put Tanner into bed and I jump in the shower to destinktify. Leann goes in to the bathroom and flushes to make sure the hottest water possible scalds my scrote. After writhing from the pain for an hour I fall to sleep when I hear "I need something to snack on" (she's pregnant) I suggest going and looking... that doesn't work. Up I go to the kitchen to get her some food... nothing sounds good to her after twenty one individual trips I come back to find her sleeping. I lay down in bed, it is now midnight and I am tired... 1:30 rolls around and I am cordially kicked in the back while my loving wife rolss over into the "Peg Bundy" position. 3:15 brings in Tanner with a bad dream, dad gets to check for British Columbians under the bed, 4:00 gets round two of SnackQuest lasting for only 5 or 6 attempts at feeding the beast. 5:30 brings the beeping of my alarm, turn it off, 6:00 comes my cell phone alarm I am up dressed and on the road by 6:20 and at work at 6:45. Now I get to rest.
Worst of all, it seems like I'm always tired on the days when I have the most amount of sleep. UGH!
You might (if you can) want to get that checked out. That is a common sign of a snorer. Snoring limits your oxygen intake at night. I snore when I sleep on my back, and wake up with a BAD headache + fuzzy head. If I sleep on my side it is much better.
As for me, morning person. I wake up by no latest 7:00am. I don't LIKE that I do, but I basically just make sure I am in bed by about 10:00pm on important days and suffer the consequences on weekends... I find that sleep isn't the real issue for me, but I like 1 hour of lead time to wake up, check the internets, get ready etc etc.
However, where I really shine is when rallying. I can get 3 or 4 hours of sleep (often the case due to the late nights, plus getting everything ready) and get out of bed at 4:30am while everyone else is like "braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains".
10/3/08 9:51 a.m.
I love the mornings, especially during the summer, when the sun comes up over the Cascade Mountains (WA) and into our big bedroom windows a little after 4 AM. Poof - daytime!
Typical day:
4:45 turn off the alarm, BEFORE it goes off & I'm ready to do math.
Head to gym, workout & shower.
In work by 7 AM, out by 4 PM.
In bed by 10:30 +/- 30 minutes.
I could be showered and out of the house in 15 minutes, if required.