Several years ago, I cracked a rib on a dirt bike. If you have not had the joy of a cracked rib, let me tell you they hurt like hell. It's worst if you laugh so it's best to suspend your sense of humor till it heals. Used to be they'd strap your ribs, basically wrap your chest tightly with a big Ace bandage but they don't even do that any more.
I went to a party thrown by my GF's boss, the boss was a girl whose fiancee was a MD to be. I sat on the couch and did a little hiss because my rib hurt like the dickens and he asked me what was wrong. I told him I had a cracked rib and man he went FOOL. Asked me if I had been to the doctor and I said no, he says 'why not?' and I said it was because I knew what it was.
He says 'you need to go anyway' and I said 'why?' He says well, they can X ray it. I said yeah, I spend $300-$500 on an X ray to tell me what I already know: I have a cracked rib. He says, but they can give you pain pills. Yeah, give is the wrong word. Another $150-$200 and I won't take them because I prefer to have some pain than to walk around all day feeling like a zombie. He walked away muttering to himself.
Half of what's wrong with people now is they have been convinced that if you have the sniffles you need to immediately run to the doctor and get some pills, then your life will be perfect again. I'm not saying that there is no need for medical care, far from it. It's like Toyman says, it needs to be bought just like anything else: in an intelligent manner.
And your hospital has to look like some sort of high end resort, ficus trees, glass, chrome, expensive woods, granite and travertine tile everywhere, all that crap is expensive. Then people complain when they get the bills.
Hospitals don't need to look like dungeons but a lot of the frippery could be cut out and save money. But no; people go to hospitals like that for the same reason they buy a Mercedes: so they can brag about how high class they are.
Oh, well. I guess that's why I will never be rich; I don't know how to fleece those kind of people.
EDIT: I was working on the house yesterday and was listening to the radio as background noise. I tend to tune out the ads, but about halfway through the day I paid attention to them for a few minutes because something stuck out in my mind. The ads were all for new cars and hospitals. A rough percentage would be 60% hospitals and 40% car dealerships. I can understand a dealership advertising, but a hospital? Come on, folks. They are obviously trolling for elective patients, not the ones who really need basic medical care for an accident, etc.
The local scandal rag is full of the same two things, their web site is covered with ads for hospitals as well. It's not just here, Charleston is covered with that type advertising as well. THAT'S where all the insurance money goes: advertising for elective patients.