8/22/24 4:50 p.m.
Me: A Pixel 6a user trying to use GPS to get around for ease of traffic
You: A phone-knowledgable person who can figure out how to convince my phone that I am NOT in Hendersonville.
My kid goes to volunteer at the aquarium in Hendersonville. One time when Tunawife was up there with him, I used my GPS on Google Maps and it would not believe for one second that I was not in Hendersonville. Tunawife uses an Apple phone, Apple maps, and doesn't share any Google logon stuff with me.
Occasionally, with no pattern that I can detect, it still does this. I switched to Waze, but even Waze still does this, although sometimes it corrects after a while (sometimes not, though).
It's ALWAYS Hendersonville. I would think that it would get the hint after a few turns, or a few miles, but it rarely does. Google seems worse than Waze for some reason.
Longshot: Go to your settings and find location services. You may have a button that says "gps signals" or "location accuracy." That will show you how many satellites you're receiving. If you don't have that button, you may need to download an app. If you don't have 5 or more, that might be the issue.
I might also go into apps and force stop anything related to location, then restart your phone.
8/22/24 5:07 p.m.
Google also allows you to download "local maps" that basically save restaurants, municipal locations, fire and police stations, and anything else useful on a map to your device in order to save data when searching anything map related.
Maybe you have H-ville saved instead of your local map?
8/22/24 10:16 p.m.
Mr_Asa said:
Google also allows you to download "local maps" that basically save restaurants, municipal locations, fire and police stations, and anything else useful on a map to your device in order to save data when searching anything map related.
Maybe you have H-ville saved instead of your local map?
I don't know the to do that, or why I would want to. If it happened, it would be a total accident.
8/22/24 10:18 p.m.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
Longshot: Go to your settings and find location services. You may have a button that says "gps signals" or "location accuracy." That will show you how many satellites you're receiving. If you don't have that button, you may need to download an app. If you don't have 5 or more, that might be the issue.
I might also go into apps and force stop anything related to location, then restart your phone.
All I see is "improve location accuracy" and it is on.
Elgoog: Pixel 6a location
After scrolling through a lot complaints about the GPS on the pixel being crap... good luck.

New Reader
8/23/24 12:26 a.m.
Any magnets close to the phone?
This can screw with their internal compass, but I don't think it would always send you to the same location..
8/23/24 7:27 a.m.
tuna55 said:
Mr_Asa said:
Google also allows you to download "local maps" that basically save restaurants, municipal locations, fire and police stations, and anything else useful on a map to your device in order to save data when searching anything map related.
Maybe you have H-ville saved instead of your local map?
I don't know the to do that, or why I would want to. If it happened, it would be a total accident.
If you use Google Maps, eventually it asks you. You can set manually and add temporary places you are visiting as well.
If you saved addresses in Google for Home, Work, or whatever I think thats what the automatic download is based on.
Google Maps:
Top right is a letter, click on that to get to your settings. Mine is E, you will see whatever your first initial is in Google.

that brings up your settings page. Look for the Offline Maps option.

Adjust these as needed. If nothing in here is set, maybe adding something will help default to an area

When and where are the Hendersonville maps showing up? My wag is it's when you are connected to certain networks either cell or Wi-Fi. The phone can sort out your location by IP address. My cell phone used to get news from Seattle because that's where it thought I was. Sucked when you found something in stock at a store only to realize it was across the country.
I keep the GPS and location services default to off on my phone. It thinks I live in Charlotte most of the time. That may be where the T-Mobile internet server is located.
Maps will turn the GPS on but I usually have to tell it to center or it places me in Charlotte. The Gaia mapping app also turns on the GPS but it lands me in California until I tell it to center on my location.
8/26/24 11:48 a.m.
Stampie said:
When and where are the Hendersonville maps showing up? My wag is it's when you are connected to certain networks either cell or Wi-Fi. The phone can sort out your location by IP address. My cell phone used to get news from Seattle because that's where it thought I was. Sucked when you found something in stock at a store only to realize it was across the country.
Cell data - I am not sure when I would use a map on wifi.
8/26/24 11:49 a.m.
I have tried all of these things to no avail. This morning Waze thought I was in Hendersonville for a few miles again.