He has a condition called Pectus Excavatum. Which is basically a sunken in chest. During the myriad of tests leading up to this surgery they've also discovered he has a couple issues with his heart. I've been comfortable with the surgery since the surgeon explained it to us. But now that we are on the eve of it I'm pretty nervous.
They are placing essentially a big brace that will go over his ribs and weave under his sternum to pop it back out into place which will stay in for three years then be removed. Part of the surgery will require them to move his heart and lungs to facilitate inserting the bar. That's the part I'm not too comfortable with. But his surgeon has preformed this dozens of times and seems capable and confident. It's just that it's my kid.
Sending calming thoughts for you and healing thoughts for him. Also, proficiency for the doctors.
In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
Thank you Curtis
All the best to you guys, Nick. I can't think about my three-month-old son on the operating table without tearing up (different procedure than your sons). But it worked 100%. How old is your son?
In reply to Kreb (Forum Supporter) :
He'll turn 15 on the 24th.
Docs said that like braces there is a sweet spot in age to get the best results. Wait too long and it's just not as effective. He's right in that sweet spot.
In reply to Nick Comstock :
Sounds like you're in good hands.
It's okay to be worried. You'll be good though.
I'm looking forward to the cathartic post here day after tomorrow when you tell us how smoothly it went.
I cannot imagine being in your boots. My prayers are with you and your family.
Tense. Sorry for the stress!
I can only imagine how nervous you are, but remember these people are pros.
Alli and I are sending all the good vibes your family's direction.
9/18/22 3:35 p.m.
Good vibes your sons way. Everything will be fine! All is good!
I send my wishes for an uneventful surgery, comfortable recovery, and happier times to come.
We're thinking of you!
Prayers for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/18/22 3:59 p.m.
Good luck! Sounds like he'll be in good hands.
I'll be thinking of you guys and sending good vibes your way.
I have nothing but confidence.
I'll pray it goes well and for no anxiety in you.
That's heavy. Thoughts and prayers.
Thanks everyone!
My hope is a big boost in his quality of life and confidence when all is said and done. I know he's self conscious about it even though he never brings it up.
Sending a prayer for your son to heal quickly and his Dr. for steady hands.
Keep us posted.
I can only imagine what you're experiencing right now. We will be thinking of you and your family. All the best through surgery and recovery. Please update us tomorrow!
It's always tough to watch your kids go through things. Sending positive thoughts.
Sending good vibes your way.
I used to work with a guy that had a serious case of that. He has a lot of titanium in his chest from 30 years ago. He was telling me that they 3D print the titanium in the OR, now, by way of explaining how fast the tech is developing. Now they put in something that they can take out in three years? They are advancing so fast on this one. Yes, it is your kid and you will worry, but man, they are knocking this one out of the park, these days. He is going to be fine.
In reply to matthewmcl :
They won't know exactly how many they are putting in until they get in there. It's going to be at a minimum an 8 hour procedure.
Wishing the best in modern medicine to son of Nick + positive wishes and energy coming your way. Good luck.