Hoping you guys have some ideas....
We're trying to keep Dex Jr out of the kitchen, but there's no doorway to do so. What I've got is a 111" opening. and it seems like the max any store-bought babygate does is ~60".
Is there something out there that'll cover the gap?
7/30/11 12:12 p.m.
First thought is bolting two babygates together. Second thought is attaching two pickup truck tailgate nets together. Or maybe a few pieces of plexiglass. It goes downhill from there.
7/30/11 12:35 p.m.
Or use some plywood as a base and a 4x4 post to have a support in the middle, then use 2 baby gates. Or 1/2 of it lattice and one baby gate.
8/1/11 10:14 a.m.
So, you have a really large baby and want a gate for him?
Get gate intended for surrounding a wood stove or fireplace.
Google "KidCo HearthGate". We use one around our fake wood stove. It wall mounts pretty easy, and you only have to use the sections you need. Very solid, made of metal, and has a door you can walk through so you aren't temped to climb over it.

Look for an Indoor Dog Fence or Pen
8/1/11 10:58 a.m.
there are freestanding dog gate/indoor fences. you arrange them in a zig-zag so they don't have to bolt any walls.
Park a Yugo there. If you can't climb through the locked doors, you can't get burned in the kitchen. 