I landed all the service, upgrade and replacement for all the pedestrian and automatic doors at Boeing this week! They have thousands of doors and they are less than a mile from my office.
I spent two days out at the plant repairing and ordering parts. They just might end up being my largest customer dollar wise.
Hitting a home run in this day and age can be pretty hard, and this one is out of the park. I'm STOKED!!!
Sorry, no pictures allowed and I'm not risking this one.
Awesome. That is a great contract for you. Big place.
How many parked 787's are outside.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
5 at the moment still getting the finishing touches. They were doing the initial engine start on one of them today. Kind of cool to watch. They even had a fire truck handy just in case.
NICE WORK MAN!!! Very happy for you! Cheers!!!
Badass! It's awesome it is so close. I have seen you rant about distance emergency service calls so these will be alot easier to deal with. 
It's neat to find someone who does something similar to I. I'm a glazier, I install the glass and window frames that your automatic doors go into.
Congrats on the gig!
Stay away from the 787 parts that keep catching fire!
2/8/13 7:02 p.m.
Helluva contract! Congrats!
Way to go! Now maybe you can fix the RX7, paint the wagon, finish the jet turbine... 
Bah! My building has needed a new door for about 3 months and they can't get it fixed. Wrong state though.
Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
5 at the moment still getting the finishing touches. They were doing the initial engine start on one of them today. Kind of cool to watch. They even had a fire truck handy just in case.
I didn't like aviation when I first joined the industry. It was merely a job. Now I realize how cool it really is.
2/8/13 8:14 p.m.
Nice job, man. It's a great feeling when you nail a big one.
2/8/13 8:54 p.m.
Congrats. That's gotta be a good feeling and a decent amount of work.
Speaking of Boeing, I heard this morning on the radio that the Engineers Union (who knew such a thing even existed) out in Washington state is threatening a strike. Boeing pretty much caved and agreed to most of the demands since they need these folks to fix the dreamliner battery issue. Apparently, the one thing they didn't agree to is that the Union is demanding pensions instead of 401k plans. What a bunch of buffoons. I agree that a pension would be better if you could get it and wanted (or had the oppurtunity) to work at the same place long enough to earn the pension, but there is a reason companies have pretty much stopped offering them and that is because they exist to make a profit. They already moved the company headquarters out of the state back in the late 90's, then they built a new factory in SC to make their new flagship plane, and these people are actually trying to put the last nail in their own coffins by demanding a pension. I suppose since that Boeing is the country's only large passenger plane maker, they too will be deemed too big to fail when their time comes to be bankrupt.
Sorry for the rant/thread jack.
Here are some images I dug up off the internet.

The building with the blue doors has enough room to assemble 8 planes at a time. They are fixing to add 600 feet to it.
The larger white building is where they make the fuselage sections. They started construction a month ago to make it 30% larger.
They just bought 600 acres of land including office complex at the bottom of the picture. Supposed to be a paint shop, and other manufacturing buildings coming.
Over the next 5-10 years this plant is supposed to double in size.
They even have their own restaurants, store, hospital, EMS, and fire department. It's amazing what a facility this size consists of. It's almost a city in itself.
This is inside the assembly building.

There aren't a lot of pictures from inside the buildings on the internet.
looks like ultimate factories ftw
2/8/13 9:38 p.m.
Congrats - great to hear things are rocking for you. Hope it finances some good projects - although your time for them may have just gone out the window.
Congratulations! I did some work with Boeing in their Everett, WA plant. Good people, technologically lagging company, ime. Still, looking out on the 747 assembly line is something I'll never forget.
In reply to Toyman01:
Congrats. Shouldn't your name be Doorguy01?
Congrats! Welcome to the fold