One week ago, we welcomed three new additions to our family. Yep....triplets. Ava Simone, Layla Sinaa and Landon Carter were born on 2/8/2013 between 615 and 645 am. Mommy even delivered the first one by herself. I couldnt be happier, and have been in a whirlwind since then. They are expected to be in the hospital for a few weeks, so in the meantime I'm coming to work and stopping by the hospital after I get off. Between those Im sleeping as much as possible, but thats not saying alot. We also have a 3 yr old in the house.
Any tips from the GRM parents of multiples?
Congrats! Glad to hear mom and babies are doing well. Time to shop three Miatas!
Twins here (they are 7 now). Get your wife enrolled in a mothers of multiples groups for moral support, tips, clothes, toys, etc.
You're not going to remember the next few months, so don't try.
I remember waking up with a bottle in each hand and kid in each arm more times than I care to.
Cloth Diapers. yes, gross...but cheaper in the long run. Much cheaper.

You guys don't do things half way do you. Talk about instant family!!
My only recommendation is to sleep when you can. 
Dayum congrats, and good luck, gulp
2/15/13 2:43 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
You guys don't do things half way do you. Talk about instant family!!
My only recommendation is to sleep when you can.
This, congrats man!!!
This x2. Congratulations.
My older sisters are twins and are 53 years old.
Yes, you will survive it all.
So very happy for you! I absolutely loved having new babies. Of course I had my four one at a time so I not much help, but you're in for some serious fun.
2/15/13 3:48 p.m.
I can't even imagine twins, let alone triplets... one is enough for me, and he's on the couch eating an apple watching Alice in Wonderland (the old racist disney cartoon one).
Wow, that's more than a handful, congrats.
The answer here is Minivan. I don't want to hear, "my wife would never be seen in a minivan" or something to that effect. It is the right tool for the job!
I heard of cheaper by the dozen but WOW !! Nice job pops. serious congratulations to you and your family.
congrats, and we expect to see them in daytona next year for the ROLEX.
Congrats... Three times over!!!
mndsm wrote:
I can't even imagine twins, let alone triplets... one is enough for me, and he's on the couch eating an apple watching Alice in Wonderland (the old racist disney cartoon one).
Uh, pretty sure that's "Song of the South," dude.
Congrats, OP!!! I can't imagine 3 at once!
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the well-wishes. I think I've been pushing myself too much these last few months. I'm alittle under the weather today, and therefore cant go see the kiddies. Sleep is a little hard right now w/ work, a business, a 3 yr old and helping the misses, but I have to make time. Look for an mk2 golf and a few other things to possibly be posted for sale. I dont really want to, and I still may not but Im not decided yet.
thanks again and take care.......
wow... that's quite a change. Best wishes!
2/19/13 8:53 a.m.
I had a rental 2012 or so Town and Country. I actually enjoyed it. I'm not gonna sell the miata to make room, but it's not that bad. Of course my buddy's T&C smells like sour milk and wet dog...
The 2012 and 2013 are supposedly very nice. Id love an R/T, but dont have the funds right now. Some friends have given us a 1994 Grand Caravan to drive until we can get something newer. It needs a few repairs, but the biggest that I've seen so far seems to be a possibly HG leak. Its not bad now, but I'll keep an eye on it. Everything else is just maintanence.
On a plus, both of my girls smiled at me last night!!! Little things like that make me happy.....

Sorry I'm just getting to this post now.
First, congrats!!! Father of twins here...they're now 5 1/2 years old (one boy, one girl). We also have an older son who turns 9 next month. So albeit with twins, but we were in your shoes...newborn multiples with a 3 year old at home.
Not a whole lot of advice per se, you just do what you have to do. As Gretchguy said, I can't count the number of times I had a bottle in each hand. Here's the picture...2am, each baby laying on the floor in a boppy pillow. Me kneeling between them with a bottle in each hand. Then or both would puke the entire bottle.
Of course, get your 3 year old involved wherever possible. The triplets will require so much attention, it'll be easy for him to feel left out. Try to find some one-on-one time.
Preplanning and organization will be key. Have essentials always at the ready.
Take it all in stride. The next 6-12 months will be brutal. Make no mistake about it. Hang in there, don't try to cater to all the kids all at the same time. If they cry for 10 minutes trying to fall asleep, it won't kill them.
Congratulations. Sounds like you have the makings of a Rolex 24 At Daytona effort.