There is a whole rash of news stories featuring people too stupid to live (literally). I am all for depopulating the planet, idiots first... but atleast two of them were hot milfs. So, behold this public service announcement:
Do not put your new generator in the garage you berkeleying idiots.
but, what if it gets wet?
Also, what if I don't want to go outside an get wet to turn it on?
Duh! Don't they know they are supposed to pump the exhaust into the HVAC ducts for proper ventilation of fumes?
10/31/12 3:21 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
but, what if it gets wet?
Also, what if I don't want to go outside an get wet to turn it on?
during Ike, my neighbor just opened the garage and put it under the door, using the generator to hold the door up. they ended up with a nice crease in the bottom door panel from doing it that way. luckily they only ran it to keep the fridge cool, or i might have had to kill it with fire, as it was a little 500 watt one with a 3.5hp single cylinder briggs with a lawnmower muffler echoing off all the buildings in the complex.
A hot, but literally-too-stupid-to-stay-alive MILF is fun for approx 13 minutes. An idiot-free populace is fun for a lifetime. I say let em off it for the children.
10/31/12 3:27 p.m.
How did you know what they looked like?
He sold them the generators out the back of a u-haul.
10/31/12 3:47 p.m.
this is what happens when you let generators into the hands of people not trained in how to handle them. we need more strict generator-control laws, perhaps we should require some mandatory generator training, and require a waiting period for anyone buying a generator.
when generators are outlawed, only outlaws will have generators.
Disclaimer: this post is meant to be read in nothing other than sarcastic tone.
10/31/12 4:04 p.m.
This is what happens when people are disconnected from the basic priciples of how everything around them works.
I'm not saying everyone needs to be an expert at everything, but for gods sake at least have a loose idea of how the world works.
ooooh, that smell...
Can't you smell that smellthat smell....
ooooh, that smell...
the smell of death that surrounds you...
I went three times this year without power.. twice for more than a week.. I survived quite nicely with what I had in the house and what I could build like my pressurized solar shower
Well there obviously weren't enough labels on it to explain how to operate it safely. Where's the lawyers?
Oh, they'll be there soon enough.
2 fingers hooch Shaven not furred //////// New centurion /generac 15 kw //////////// Taco Joint powered anywhere any time 
poopshovel wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
Whats that smell?
Now you got me thinking about. oh err sorry, wrong place
In reply to njansenv:
It's okay, not all of us speak Karl. I'm still learning myself.
10/31/12 10:30 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
Whats that smell?
I dunno, but man I'm sleepy all of a sudden.
I feel like I came in in the middle of something.
There were some MILFs, and a whole bunch of idiots, who had some kind of trouble with a generator somewhere?
I store mine in the garage all the time. That way it's handy. I'm not a MILF and I haven't played one on TV so please tell me where all these MILFs are and what happened.
I have a housemate who cooks food that burns my eyes out and I make hime open all of the doors and windows when he cooks. I also instruct him to turn off the AC and close the doors so the smell doesn't get spread throughout the house.
I came home one day and he had turned the AC off, but the fan to 'On" from 'Auto'. He looked at me like I was from another planet when I told him what he did was blow that smell every where. He said 'Dude, I turned on the fan to blow if out of the house'. For some reason he thinks it turns into the bathroom fan when you do that.
He also pour straight bleach on the floor to kill some ants, no cutting with water, no wiping it up or spreading it around. Just pour it on the floor. The concept of what bleach can do to things is totally lost on him. Many morons out there, just remember, half the population is below average.
Cone_Junky wrote:
Duh! Don't they know they are supposed to pump the exhaust into the HVAC ducts for proper ventilation of fumes?
The problem is in this day and age we have protected all the profoundly stupid children from themselves well enough that they have managed to grow up and begin breeding!
Make seatbelts and helmets optional, legalize real m80s, force children to play outside unsupervised, that will solve all of our problems in a few decades time.
11/1/12 4:28 a.m.
Karl La Follette wrote:
2 fingers hooch Shaven not furred //////// New centurion /generac 15 kw //////////// Taco Joint powered anywhere any time
I have no idea what this post is about, but what's the half-completed turquoise car in the middle? It looks boxflaretastic.