9/27/11 12:55 p.m.
So last night I bought this for $10:

My goal is to make it into a custom car show cruiser for my 2-year old son. Can't decide on a color, but first I need to take it apart and lower it. Unfortunately I can't weld, so anything I do needs to be either bolt-on or riveted. I'm thinking rubber lawnmower tires for the back with painted stock skinnies for the front. Steering is an issue so I'm looking at some idea for a straight axle and steering knuckle setup like on a kart.
I'll post photos as I build.
9/27/11 1:01 p.m.
Red! Radio Flyers are red!
Sounds generally awesome, but aren't some things sacred? 
(No, I don't think much of anything is sacred; not even your wagon. Have fun!)
9/27/11 1:04 p.m.
Not being able to weld is a problem. My first thoughts were to build a front beam axle and stick it out in front, T-Bucket style. Drop the rear, longer axle, fatties back there. Kart style steering. Kewl.
9/27/11 1:06 p.m.
Looks like great minds think alike. Beat me to it. Love the "Cup" holder!!
9/27/11 1:09 p.m.
That's a perfect learn-to-weld project. Pick up a used Lincoln MIG and an auto-darkening helmet and have some fun.
You could go the other way. This guy is going to add a roll bar as well.

A screwdriver motor should deliver plenty of torque. 
9/27/11 1:24 p.m.
Buy the Marguay kart for sale on here... combine the two and....

maybe you can retrofit a steering system like on one of these

i cant seem to find any pics from underneath.
it works more like a kart, in that theres a spindle on each side, rather than just one pivot point like your typical radio flyer. my 'rents got me one of these wagons when i was a kid, i thought it was the greatest thing ever, it steered more like a real car than my old radio flyer ever did. i would sit on one knee and ride that thing all over the driveway pushing with one leg like a skateboard.
9/27/11 1:40 p.m.
Heh, I was thinking I needed to build a wagon like that for my kid as he gets older.
9/27/11 1:43 p.m.
oldtin wrote:
I actually studied that build pretty closely. I love the rear "body" treatment. I think even my lousy woodworking skills could cut a few rectangles. His front axle is wood also, which would solve the welding issue.
9/27/11 1:56 p.m.
Woody wrote:
That's a perfect learn-to-weld project. Pick up a used Lincoln MIG and an auto-darkening helmet and have some fun.
That would be a great idea if we weren't broke. This isn't the "learn to weld" project anyway, that one will be his first go-kart!
9/27/11 2:04 p.m.
slefain wrote:
Woody wrote:
That's a perfect learn-to-weld project. Pick up a used Lincoln MIG and an auto-darkening helmet and have some fun.
That would be a great idea if we weren't broke. This isn't the "learn to weld" project anyway, that one will be his first go-kart!
Find an idiot friend (like me) who just started taking welding classes and needs projects to practice on for grades. 
9/27/11 2:17 p.m.
slefain wrote:
Woody wrote:
That's a perfect learn-to-weld project. Pick up a used Lincoln MIG and an auto-darkening helmet and have some fun.
That would be a great idea if we weren't broke. This isn't the "learn to weld" project anyway, that one will be his first go-kart!
Find a guy who welds who is more broke than you. Go from there...
After the oem white plastic wheels shattered from being in the sun, I installed some steel rimmed tube tire wonders from HF. Used a length of pipe or such as I recall to replace the axles. Few washers to space the wheels further out and fit.
Now the wagon rolls down the hill so fast is almost scares him. He loves it.
Don't forget that it is a wagon, and is usefull for hauling things. My son uses his frequently just for that purpose.
9/27/11 3:16 p.m.
My wife want one for plant shows. One of these pictured above would please me just fine.
Northern Hydraulics has a store not far from where I live that stocks all kinds of wheels, tires, and karting supplies. Google it and see if there's one close to you.
I love that lowered hot rod style wagon.
9/28/11 9:32 a.m.
Last night I took it apart and wire wheeled all the rusty bits. Here's the rough idea:

I'm going to Home Depot at lunch today for a brainstorming session. Need to mount the front axle to the tub in a simple way. Tomorrow I'll swing by Harbor Freight to pick up some new rubber.
9/30/11 9:04 a.m.
Hacked together the front extended drop mount last night:

I need to trim and radius the frame horns so they don't dig into anything. I tested the frame adjusting the height of the rear end until I could stand in the wagon and not bottom out. I figure my 170 pounds is plenty more than this will ever tote. Everything is bolted together and cheap, so making changes shouldn't be a big deal.
Looks like I can use the stock 10" front wheel. Trying to decide what I want for the rear tire.
I can go with a 10" tire and look like an old school bias ply tire:

Or I can go "big n littles" with a 13" turf tire:

Either way the tires are less than $12 each, so if I hate it I can always swap.
The rear axle is undecided. I can either run a 5/8" axle through the entire wagon mounted low enough to be hidden by the seat, or I can use mounting blocks and simply put longs 5/8" bolts sticking out both sides like a VW stub axle.
or you could mount the axle to the back of the body instead of through or under.