Around my office, I find that I frequently spook people when I am walking past them. This is because I walk very quietly. My pants don't swoosh, I step softly, and my shoes are silent. In the spirit of our hot topic as of late (Pirates v.s. Ninjas), I have dubbed this Ninja walking.
Most people in my office, however, are very noisy walkers. They wear pants that swoosh when they walk, shoes that make a lot of noise on the ground, they don't step softly, and they stumble about on the carpet. Pirates, I imagine, would walk much like this. Especially pirates with peg-legs.
So which one are you? A Ninja walker, or a Pirate walker?
I don't walk.
I have bitches who carry me.
New Reader
12/23/08 1:42 p.m.
Pirate walker, breather, eater, sleeper.
12/23/08 1:59 p.m.
Although I'm a diehard Pirate, I guess I'm a ninja walker. All through college, I used to inadvertently scare friends when I walked up behind them during a conversation, and they'd turn around to find me right over their shoulder.
Salanis wrote:
Although I'm a diehard Pirate, I guess I'm a ninja walker. All through college, I used to inadvertently scare friends when I walked up behind them during a conversation, and they'd turn around to find me right over their shoulder.
Other than the diehard pirate part, ditto.
12/23/08 3:56 p.m.
wherethefmi2000 wrote:
ninja here (it's my job)
Your picture shows you with a mortar, or some artillery thing or something (forgive my limited knowledge of munitions). Isn't firing big noisy canons kind of Pirate? Or are you just saying that you need to walk more Ninja?
Salanis wrote:
wherethefmi2000 wrote:
ninja here (it's my job)
Your picture shows you with a mortar, or some artillery thing or something (forgive my limited knowledge of munitions). Isn't firing big noisy canons kind of Pirate? Or are you just saying that you need to walk more Ninja?
it is a mortar, damnit I guess I AM a pirate lol. But we have smaller ones that we walk with, and that's more ninja. I mean we have all sorts of cool gear and ninjas are all about cool gear lol.
12/23/08 4:20 p.m.
wherethefmi2000 wrote:
it is a mortar, damnit I guess I AM a pirate lol. But we have smaller ones that we walk with, and that's more ninja. I mean we have all sorts of cool gear and ninjas are all about cool gear lol.
That's okay. No one is 100% Pirate or 100% Ninja. It's continuum. Sometimes you need to walk quietly, shank someone, and disappear. Sometimes you need to make big noises, blow E36 M3 up, and laugh.
I'm mostly ninja. I walk, breathe, and sleep like a ninja. My wife has learned to not wake me up, as I sleep with my ninja-to by my side at all times. Unfortunately, my past 3 wives didn't learn quickly enough...
12/23/08 8:06 p.m.
VanillaSky wrote:
I'm mostly ninja. I walk, breathe, and sleep like a ninja. My wife has learned to not wake me up, as I sleep with my ninja-to by my side at all times. Unfortunately, my past 3 wives didn't learn quickly enough...
See, that's the problem with being a ninja. Were you a pirate, you wouldn't kill them off and replace them successively, you'd just bed them all at once.
It is suitable to me to stomp when I walk and I have been known to swoosh on special occasions. So Pirate I be. But ye best not be sneakin' up on me mate, I've got a keen sense of hearing and I'm ever so keen wit' me blade, savvy?
I'm a moderate ninja.
Ultra-pirates annoy me, especially those with the 120 decibel "look at me" heels.
Cordurouy wearers get a pass.
Ninja. Seems I'm always scaring my family when I walk up behind them. I don't try to do it, it just comes naturally.
Now my wife, I can hear her walking up from across the house. For such a small person (she's 5'0" and not overwieght), she clomps around. She's Asian so you would expect Ninja walking from her but not so.
12/24/08 9:30 a.m.
I didn't see club footed penguin listed so I'll lean toward pirate