6/1/12 9:04 p.m.
OK, folks. I am making a prediction. I am not basing this one anyone else's prediction, and I am not trying to start a debate, as my prediction has nothing to do with what I -want- to happen.
If Romney chooses Mitch Daniels for VP, he will win the election. I am not predicting anything if he does not choose Daniels. I don't think Daniels is a great choice, nor do I think he polls well enough to give this advantage.
First one to guess how I came across this prediction gets three internet cookies. Margie, go ahead and lock it if it becomes pictures of boobs again.
Again, not supposed to be a political debate. Just a fun contest to see if anyone can guess why I predicted this.
Is Mitch related to Jack?
The election rests upon Europe's shoulders. Which is a little funny since I remember Germany loving Obama and Germany could cause Obama to lose. This election I predict will be based upon the economy, not really based on what any of the candidates say, unless they screw up real bad.
I foresee a Eurozone melt down, Grexit, and then chaos. If that happens Germany should try and lead an orderly Euro break up, but either way it will throw the world economy to the ground, and Romney scoops the win.
Edit: Less funny than depressingly ironic. I also dont see the election being tied to the VP choice
6/1/12 9:44 p.m.
How about because Daniels is strong in the Midwest, and Romney is not. Daniels would leave Romney dominating the Midwest, including the 3 toss up states (2 of which are swing states) of Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio.
Or better...
How about because Mitch Daniels owns a Fat Boy Harley, and regularly participates in the ABATE "Ride with the Governor" event, and anyone who rides a Fat Boy into a place called "French Lick" is destined to win? 

6/1/12 9:54 p.m.
The whiskey reference is the best thus far.
The (really an actual serious prediction) is not based on ANYTHING political.
I was guessing he would get the VP because he attended a certain conference this weekend.
6/2/12 7:12 a.m.
Don't know who Mitch Daniels is (governor of Indiana or something is my best guess). If he is in contention to Romney's running mate I do not really care. Since this is a thread about predictions and not a debate, I will just make my prediction that it doesn't really matter if Romney or Obama wins. They will both continue to lead us down the same doomed path.
I always find the Veep choice to be worrisome. Two of the worst in recent history have been Quayle and Palin.. in some ways they were the best choice to keep the president alive from any assination attempts
6/2/12 7:23 a.m.
Fletch1 wrote:
I was guessing he would get the VP because he attended a certain conference this weekend.
Check your internet cookie box for your winnings!
6/2/12 7:27 a.m.
Because their bumper stickers could say MITTCH on them and that would be kind of awesome?
I also saw this, but you said it was nothing political...
My predictions have proved to be worthless in the past. I could never imagine that a magic underwear cult member with a history of acting like a robber baron could even be in the running. But her e we are.
My prediction is that americans go with the devil they know with a confidence of 30 %. Neither man makes me jump up to pull a lever.
The Bilderberg Meeting is the new Pentaverate since Colonel Sanders has gone tits-up.
It won't matter who wins. Either way we are going to get bent over a table and berkeleyed. But as of right now I believe Obama will beat Romney. Romney reminds me a lot Kerry in that I have never met anyone who loves the idea of him being president. It seems to be mostly a I guess he is better then Obama from the Republicans I talk to which seemed to be a lot like Kerry.
93EXCivic wrote:
It won't matter who wins. Either way we are going to get bent over a table and berkeleyed. But as of right now I believe Obama will beat Romney.
This will happen until we, as Americans, realize our power comes from a strong middle class. The same middle class that has been left out of the economic picture for the last ten years.
Count me as another that believes it will be about the same path with whichever one wins.
Man, you guys are uplifting. Thousand points of light, you guys are.
When I see the Republicans agenda, I shudder.
Increase defense spending, Why ?
Every thing else seems to be to aid the rich of which Romney is one of the club.
Nothing to help us peons.
Let us not forget that the house of reprsentatives is already controlled by the republicans.
I heard Romney state his idea for increasing hiring . Ludicrous.
6/2/12 11:09 a.m.
Fletch1 wrote:
In reply to tuna55:
Chocolate chip?
They're all fictitious internet cookies, so whatever cookie suits your fancy. I could go all internet meme on you and say they're bacon flavored, but that sounds awful.
6/2/12 11:09 a.m.
Josh wrote:
Because their bumper stickers could say MITTCH on them and that would be kind of awesome?
I also saw this, but you said it was nothing political...
That's what I am talking about - and I don't consider that group political, just most likely evil.
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
Man, you guys are uplifting. Thousand points of light, you guys are.
The big problem is, people don't realize the R's and D's are two sides of the same coin..........not different ones at all.
Regardless of who is in power, the same people/corps are donating and influencing policy.