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Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox SuperDork
5/10/12 10:08 a.m.
Salanis wrote: WWJD? "Love thy neighbor." "Judge not, lest ye yourself be judged." Find me two concepts more central to the teachings of Jesus than those.

A beer expert who really understands Christianity. What a guy!

bearmtnmartin Reader
5/10/12 10:08 a.m.

We had this discussion in Canada a while back. Now boys can marry and divorce boys, and the world didn't end. Nobody really gives a E36 M3 any more.

But I have to throw a line in from Dennis Miller, just because I don't get to use it very often:

"I can understand gays and straight couples, but bisexuals, they are just greedy!"

iceracer UltraDork
5/10/12 10:11 a.m.

Isn't this sort of a moot point since the majority of states already ban same sex marriage ?

KATYB HalfDork
5/10/12 10:12 a.m.

look this whole subject is close to home with me because its almost a monthly occurance that someone questions the validity of my own marriage. that really is annoying. and yes bisexual people are just gready...however lol most humans are bisexual to a point now where u fall on the scale is what determines your bisexual status.

Duke PowerDork
5/10/12 10:15 a.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
alfadriver wrote: Granted- the entire media has changed focus. But it's their nature to find things that make people read or listen....
As I so often do, I feel compelled to correct this. It is not their nature. In fact, it is abhorrent to the nature of a journalist.

Excuse me, but WHAAAAAAAAT? It is exactly 100% in the nature of a journalist to find out things that make people read or listen. What the hell good is a journalist that investigates things nobody cares about? Isn't that kind of like an artist that makes intentionally boring, bad art so that nobody wants to look at it?

Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox SuperDork
5/10/12 10:18 a.m.
Duke wrote:
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
alfadriver wrote: Granted- the entire media has changed focus. But it's their nature to find things that make people read or listen....
As I so often do, I feel compelled to correct this. It is not their nature. In fact, it is abhorrent to the nature of a journalist.
Excuse me, but WHAAAAAAAAT? It is exactly 100% in the nature of a journalist to find out things that make people read or listen. What the hell good is a journalist that investigates things nobody cares about? Isn't that kind of like an artist that makes intentionally boring, bad art so that nobody wants to look at it?

Thomas Kinkade tried that, but people bought his art anyway.

KATYB HalfDork
5/10/12 10:19 a.m.
iceracer wrote: Isn't this sort of a moot point since the majority of states already ban same sex marriage ?

no not really because most have never voted to ban it as much as its not a legal thing. and if u havent noticed more and more states are allowing same sex marriage

Duke PowerDork
5/10/12 10:21 a.m.
Otto Maddox wrote:
Duke wrote: Isn't that kind of like an artist that makes intentionally boring, bad art so that nobody wants to look at it?
Thomas Kinkade tried that, but people bought his art anyway.


Salanis PowerDork
5/10/12 10:23 a.m.
Otto Maddox wrote:
Salanis wrote: WWJD? "Love thy neighbor." "Judge not, lest ye yourself be judged." Find me two concepts more central to the teachings of Jesus than those.
A beer expert who really understands Christianity. What a guy!

I'd say the arguments against gay marriage aren't even Christian, since I can't imagine Jesus looking at a homosexual couple who love and care for each other and saying, "I'll hang out with these prostitutes, beggars, thieves, and lepers... but you guys can go to hell." What they are (at best) is Biblican.

(And I'm not even really Christian. I just think Jesus was a really wise man who set an example that most of us could learn a lot from.)

Duke PowerDork
5/10/12 10:31 a.m.

It's certainly not a Christian-specific prohibition; homosexuality comes under serious fire in the Old Testament, so it is Jewish as well, and also pretty clearly listed as a mortal sin in the Koran as well.

Salanis PowerDork
5/10/12 10:34 a.m.
Duke wrote: It's certainly not a Christian-specific prohibition; homosexuality comes under serious fire in the Old Testament, so it is Jewish as well, and also pretty clearly listed as a mortal sin in the Koran as well.

Great. When this becomes a Jewish or Islamic country, let me know.

Those shiny happy people are NOT going to take my bacon away!

Curmudgeon MegaDork
5/10/12 10:37 a.m.

George Carlin: 'Being bisexual must be a pain. Imagine wanting to berkeley everybody you meet. But the good part is you don't need a little black book, you just carry the White Pages with you everywhere you go.'

I'm at the point where I no longer care who marries or screws who as long as they don't do it in the streets and scare the horses. I will be so glad when all this is settled so I don't have to listen to politicians pandering to EITHER side to get votes.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
5/10/12 10:38 a.m.
Salanis wrote:
Duke wrote: It's certainly not a Christian-specific prohibition; homosexuality comes under serious fire in the Old Testament, so it is Jewish as well, and also pretty clearly listed as a mortal sin in the Koran as well.
Great. When this becomes a Jewish or Islamic country, let me know. Those shiny happy people are NOT going to take my bacon away!

Robin Williams on Dr Ruth Westheimer: 'Here she is giving advice on oral sex and she doesn't even eat bacon'.

Bumboclot Reader
5/10/12 10:41 a.m.

oldsaw PowerDork
5/10/12 10:44 a.m.
KATYB wrote: but first obama endorsed gay marriage. funny he waits till he is about be out of office to endorse it. also Tom Gable of Against Me came out as transgender and intends to start her transition to female very soon. that is all -Kaitlyn

Wasn't his position already established when he repealed DADT and instructed the DOJ to stand-down on enforcing DOMA?

All reports I've heard/read indicate he wanted to reveal his stance at a time closer to the election. The President wanted to fire-up his base later this year in order to ensure more enthusiasm (for him) at the polls. It was VP Biden's statements last Sunday that forced the early revelation.

As for Tom Gable, never heard the name until this week but kudos to anyone who has that kind of fortitude.

Duke PowerDork
5/10/12 10:48 a.m.
Salanis wrote: Great. When this becomes a Jewish or Islamic country, let me know. Those shiny happy people are NOT going to take my bacon away!

Considering it's not even supposed to be a Christian country...

16vCorey UberDork
5/10/12 10:54 a.m.

Once again, Bill Hicks hits one out of the park.

Bill Hicks said: Here is my final point...About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography...What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, or take into my body as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet? And for those who are having a little moral dilemma in your head about how to answer that question, I'll answer it for you. NONE of your berkeleying business. Take that to the bank, cash it, and go berkeleying on a vacation out of my life.
akamcfly HalfDork
5/10/12 10:57 a.m.
Salanis wrote: WWJD?


I kid

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

imirk Reader
5/10/12 11:03 a.m.

Persuit of Happiness, what a Load of E36 M3, the French were at least honest, Life Liberty Property

MG Bryan
MG Bryan SuperDork
5/10/12 11:09 a.m.
Otto Maddox wrote:
KATYB wrote:
MG Bryan wrote:
KATYB wrote: what i wanna know is what ever happened to above all else love thy brother? im sorry i just dont get how all these so called christians who hate on lgbt people use religion to hate on us when its said they should love us and that it is not thier job to judge. sincerly- A lesbien transwomen who also happens to be a christian.
It's entirely possible to disagree with a choice without hating the person that makes it.
yes i know. tho ill disagree on the choice part. but so many wanna hate the person for being true to themselves.
I just look at women and I am really attracted to them. I look at guys. Nothing. I don't even remember making the choice to have my brain wired this way.

You do, however, choose whether and how you act on it.

MG Bryan
MG Bryan SuperDork
5/10/12 11:17 a.m.
Salanis wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
Salanis wrote: WWJD? "Love thy neighbor." "Judge not, lest ye yourself be judged." Find me two concepts more central to the teachings of Jesus than those.
A beer expert who really understands Christianity. What a guy!
I'd say the arguments against gay marriage aren't even Christian, since I can't imagine Jesus looking at a homosexual couple who love and care for each other and saying, "I'll hang out with these prostitutes, beggars, thieves, and lepers... but you guys can go to hell." What they are (at best) is Biblican. (And I'm not even really Christian. I just think Jesus was a really wise man who set an example that most of us could learn a lot from.)

Christ associated with sinners, and discouraged their sinful behavior. It's shockingly important to look at the implications of the whole story, i'n'it.

93EXCivic UltimaDork
5/10/12 11:23 a.m.

I still have never heard an argument against gay marriage that didn't in the end lead back to religion...

Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox SuperDork
5/10/12 11:31 a.m.

"If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity" Deuteronomy 25-11

I am not sure how this applies, but it sounds like a pretty specific solution to a pretty specific issue.

Anti-stance HalfDork
5/10/12 11:35 a.m.

Wow, that is pretty specific.

Isn't it an abomination to eat shellfish too? I thought I heard that before.

Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox SuperDork
5/10/12 11:37 a.m.

In reply to Anti-stance:

Yeah, and you can't wear polyblend shirts or let your wife in the house when she is having her period. Come to think of it, both of those are really good pieces of advice.

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