I got to jerk one around this evening. AT&T reps have been calling and pestering my wife about switching to their new U-verse service. Instead of just telling them we're not interested, my wife has been telling them they need to talk to me. (They always seem to call before I get home.)
Anyhow, this evening one caught me, and she started off on the script. I decided to let her go, and it went something like this:
Her: blah, blah, TV, blah, blah High Speed Internet, blah, blah.
Me: [silence, as no question had been posed]
Her: Do you have a computer at home?
Me: Yes.
Her: What do you primarily use it for?
Me: Simulating nuclear weapon detonations.
Her: [long, awkward silence]
Her: I don't know what to say; I've never heard that one before.
Me: Well, with the test ban treaty, we're not supposed to detonate the weapons any more, so we do a lot of computer simulations to verify their integrity, test new designs, etc.
Her: [second long, awkward silence]
Me: I'll cut to the chase, I've already got broadband internet and a contract with my satellite TV provider. If I decide to switch when my contract is up, I know where to find you.
I didn't want to let her off the hook, but I didn't have time to listen to silence while she figured out how to get back onto the script.