2/2/12 11:46 a.m.
While at the grocery store locally, I spotted an odd car and then realized that it was just creative damage repair.
My guess was that he did not like the price they quoted him for the replacement of a front clip. It was not until I looked at the picture that I noticed the bad toe on the rear wheel.
Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture taken with the window up.

2/2/12 12:40 p.m.
I guess this is what happens when people stretch their budget for the new car but can't swing the insurance/comprehensive insurance.
looks like he has his camber setup for the bankings of Daytona and Talledega
I kind of like the big round headlights. 
Better approach angle for more wheelin".
2/2/12 2:45 p.m.
I'd call it an improvement.
Appleseed wrote:
Better approach angle for more wheelin".
They'll need it when the rear end snaps out around a right-hander.
I'll give him points for effort.
Betcha the insurance money went to buy more beer.
sad to say.. I think it's an improvement
Like a Scion xa isn't ugly enough of a car?
At least he? or she? had both sides on the front done alike so it looks....well, how can you finish that thought?
They got tired of folks say their car looked like an old high top sneaker?
integraguy wrote:
Like a Scion xa isn't ugly enough of a car?
I always thought the xa was better looking than the xb