All I've ever used a computer / iPhone / tablet (whopping Tab A) for:
never play games
my wife uses an app for :
the tube of you. I just open a browser.
Amazon. I just open a browser.
e bay. I just open a browser.
her email. I just open a browser to view my web based provider (whatever they are called)
Prolly a few more I forgot. But you get where that's going.
I do use Word, for putting some data I want to keep, and letters, ect. Other programs would do for myself, but Word has the ability to be compatible with the mainstream folks I might deal with.
I do a few different things with Excel, but its 98% just for my own data, and fun (sad, ain't I)
I go online for this forum, and to a MUCH lesser time a couple others. And do searches from google for lots of questions.
And I go to websites for job applications and contract paperwork for each contract... sometimes 5 or 6 times a year
I do have a printer and a scanner, although mostly these days, I just take a photo of a document, instead of hooking up the scanner!
I use a fair bit of Paint (have not learned a thing about the new paint 3d) to clean up various things... from pictures to poorly scanned pdf files. I find it fun going down to the pixel level and making a "fuzzy" line clean.
Im totally comfortable moving files, data and folders around.
I can do some VERY basic stuff, in the background areas of windows ( learned on Win98) where you can really screw a computer up by doing something wrong. But VERY minimal, as I don't want to screw up
Prolly smart enough for Linux,(if bairly) but never had the patience. Back in the late days of Win 98, when we HATED how bloated xp was, I read some on various Linux, but compatibility problems keep me from trying it.
Edit: my wife has her own hardware, and although I'm a full fledged tech geek com paired to her, she embraced the whole "click here, dummy" approach, and lets her apps tell her what to do. I did not. Proving, once again, she is smarter than me