5/4/10 2:10 a.m.
My home was among the flooded in Nashville over the weekend. Water 5' high in all the downstairs rooms (and the only upstairs is a loft over the garage.) There is very little in the house that isn't destroyed. All the appliances, clothes, game systems, guitars, amps, tools, toys, computers, cameras.. I own nothing right now. I'm staying with a friend across town. The only consolation is that my Miata was with me on higher ground. At least I still have that. Oh and my last 4 issues of GRM were on top of the cabinet in the bathroom and were the only books of any sort in the house to escape destruction, which is good, because I hadn't read all of the latest issue.
I'll try to post some pics as they become available to me, I obviously don't have a camera to take them with or a computer to upload them with (using borrowed computer to type this.)
On the plus side, I'm not dead. 
Not dead + miata = better!
Glad you made it out ok. Remember: stuff is just stuff, even if It is valuabe/irreplaceable. When it comes right down to it, very few of us need more than will fit in a miata.
A miata otoh....
if you find your way up north, theres a warm meal and a dry bed, a wii and some cold brew with your name on it in cincinnati. The miata will have to sleep outside though. Makes my recent water damage issues look like a Im really sorry to hear about this. I have some things I was going to give to the salvation army, Mostly clothes, but theyre yours if you need em. I wear mens XL shirts and 36/36 pants. Ive got sweatshirts, sweaters, some button down casual shirts, a few pairs of pants, its not much but its what I can do right now... let me know.
Nice effort there 4cyl.
There is no reason that I could not do similar.
I could give to some organization that would take a large percentage in operating fees or I could just send dollars direct to you - one of our own.
Please post some sizes and we will come to the rescue.
5/4/10 7:07 a.m.
Good job on the whole not-dying thing.
Seriously, I hope everything turns out okay.
no kidding, I have plenty of stuff that I can donate to the cause. (you are not getting the X-box....or the Supra....or my girlfriend...)
Glad your ok, the worst is over, now its just the clean up and restart. Think of it as the ultimate do over. Hopefully insurance will cover most everything, and you get a clean slate to do it exactly how you want to this time. I've often thought about if I lost it all, how much simpler I would do it the second time around.
I also have plenty of stuff I can send your way. Let me know what size chlothes you wear and I'll start boxing. I can even through in a wife
Good luck
Atleast the most important thing survived - the Miata... sorry I mean you.
Glad to hear you are ok, stuff can be replaced. I am sure the community will help in anyway.
Ugh, glad to hear you are OK!
5/4/10 8:37 a.m.
Glad you are all right, let us know what sizes you need and where to send stuff.
I can't offer much stuff or money right now, but if you find yourself in Evansville, you've got a place to stay.
Ditto to the above for Indy. Sorry to hear that man. 
I can't imagine the frustration you're goin through, but at least you can keep a positive attitude. Next to things like air and food, sanity is very important.
5/4/10 9:49 a.m.
If you (or any other GRM'er in the area) need anything, please let us know. I also have too many clothes and things and would be more than willing to help out. At least you're OK and as a bonus so is the Miata!
Glad you are OK.
As soon as I heard how bad it was I called the ex to make sure our daughter was alright, they live in Lebanon.
5/4/10 10:14 a.m.
A lot of my friends and family lost everything as well. We had some tree damage and that's it, but have been helping everyone else.
5/4/10 10:29 a.m.
Thanks for putting my problems in perspective and here's hoping the flood insurance works as it should!
Please, let us know sizes, and anything else you need. Heck, if you need a place in Charlottesville, give a buzz.
5/4/10 11:17 a.m.
Eeek! Sorry to hear about all that. Especially the guitars, its so hard to work up a collection that is "yours".
5/4/10 11:20 a.m.
Hey, good luck in the recovery, but I'm glad to hear you and the Miata survived. My sympathy on the rest of the damaged/destroyed posessions.
major bummer, buy hey, you have the capability to rebuild, you can be better, stronger, faster... oh, sorry, bionic man flash back...
but really, hang in there, not that youve got any choice, but not drowning was a really good thing! congrats on surviving, the rest is easy...
Yikes. As everyone else has offered, I offer as well. If you need anything (I don't have many spare material items, I am only a year out of college and don't have much), but if you need some dollars for incidentals, I can help.
At least the irreplaceable things are alright, like the Miata 
5/8/10 9:49 a.m.
Clothes and toiletries were the first thing to come pouring in from the community, so everyone can rest assured that I am not wandering the streets naked and unwashed. Really all the necessities are covered. I think I managed to save most of my tools. Its just the non-essentials that are really pissing me off right now... not that I expect anyone to drop thousands of dollars worth of music gear in my lap, but it's hard not to think about it all. I can't say enough how relieved I am that the car wasn't in the garage, the windshield frame would have been under 2 feet of water. I had a replacement header and downpipe in the garage to replace my cracked OBX header, I'm not sure if they're still good to use but I'm gonna try. I still need a catalytic converter as well so I can pass smog and get TN tags. I've been rolling w/ FL tags for over a year now. I guess that new Flyin' Miata V-Maxx set and 15x7s will be further into my future than I had hoped. I was hoping to upgrade by the end of the summer. Its just... you know, I don't want to be a big crybaby about it, I'm not going to die without my guitars and car parts, but you kinda make PLANS, and then they get washed away.
Here is a facebook album with some pics:!/album.php?aid=2194666&id=24404136