5/22/12 12:48 p.m.
I've always been interested in the Maker Faires that Make magazine sponsers.....lots of creative stuff. Unfortunately, I've only read about them on teh interwebs.....they've always been too far away to be worth attending....until now.
We're having one in Orlando this weekend. Here's the description off their website:
Orlando Mini Maker Faire is a community-organized, family-friendly celebration featuring DIY science and technology, rockets, robots, arts, crafts, and music. The event will be held on May 26th, 2012 at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. With over 36 thousand square feet of air conditioned exhibits plus a Power Racing Track, Orlando Mini Maker Faire will be one of the largest community organized “Mini” Maker Faire events in 2012.
I'm probably going. Are any other GRMers from central FL interested?
We'd be all over that, but Tim and Tommy are headed to Indy for the weekend. Big fans of that magazine...
5/22/12 12:56 p.m.
Are any of the EV guys at the faire the same person you just featured with the converted miata? (I don't have the new issue at hand to check.)
[BTW, one of the best issues in a while....there's a lot of diversity when you include both an article on hot rodding a P71 with truck parts and turning a sports car into an EV]
Yep, Ken Watkins, the owner of that car, is the VP of the Central Florida Electric Vehicle Association. And yeah, I thought that issue was extra-good, too. Thanks!
I went to the NY Maker Faire at Flushing Meadows last year.
It was excellent.
I may try to exhibit some of our stuff at the '12 NY MakerFaire.
Our Stuff
More of Our Stuff
Lots of keen stuff on display....RC planes built from real-estate signs, home-made Segway scooters (we have one), robotic do-dads, 3D printers, etc.
We bought a MakerBot 3D printer right after I went to Maker Faire. Cool toy!
Maker Faire gets real goofy and interesting. Some of the attendees were regulars at Burning Man.
Good Example of Goofiness
5/23/12 8:31 a.m.
aeronca65t wrote:
Maker Faire gets real goofy and interesting. Some of the attendees were regulars at Burning Man.
Good Example of Goofiness
I have seen that video before, but had no idea the car was at a Maker Faire...not sure if this is good or bad 
5/26/12 5:38 p.m.
I just got back from makerfaire....there were lots of cool things to see. Right as I was leaving, the fire trucks were coming in.....I hope it had nothing to do with the guys doing aluminum casting on the front lawn. 
5/31/12 6:00 a.m.
Ken had the EV miata there nephew at maker faire