Let's put 'em all together. Found this one in Readers' Rides:

'Nother one, also from Readers' Rides:

Foreground: My race effort in its entirety.
Background: The guys I beat that day.

6/16/13 1:14 p.m.
Mighty Dak, at the end of the lineup. Mosport 2005

Just for the record... it had no trouble keeping up to any of them that day...
Edited: The dude in the Audi looked down at me and sneered "what were you planning on hauling with that?
My reply? "Ass".
6/16/13 1:47 p.m.

Since we're coming onto the front straight, I'll consider this an "outgunned" pic...
My car is the Citation X-11 

The GT3 isn't behind me because I just passed him...

The white 79 Tercel is, IIRC, turbocharged, and surprises many. Outgunned, perhaps, but not as bad as you might think. He often runs with us at SPMP.
In reply to LainfordExpress:
In some consolation though, they sound awesome on the way by!
I give this thread my seal of approval. Motpmoron, thats really cool. 
6/17/13 7:32 a.m.
don't have any pics .... but this would be me at VIR on the back straight-away while in my (pretty much stock) CRX and a former DP car is bearing down on me with a closing speed of better than 80 mph 
6/17/13 9:32 a.m.

Does this count? The taurus was posting faster lap times than the boss....
slantvaliant wrote:
I'm still trying to remember which of the two finished ahead - IIRC they were neck and neck in the final results. Evidently, the brakes weren't up to serious track use... on the Lambo.