I'm Leo Jasper a art designer from Adelaide Australia so therefore seeking up a part-time representative in the states to
assist me with my Europe based clients and by so doing gets 10% per client handled like i said i normally do sell my
collection of paintings both within & Outside Australia.. but do have most orders from the Europe. But the fact remains that
i mostly face difficulties when receiving payment from some clients in the states, due to the fact that they Often insist on
US certified form of payment...Such AS CASHIER CHE QUES US POSTAL MONEY ORDERS, for there payment method...and cashing such
payment here. requires a long term deposit of 4-8weeks which is a long time to wait till So in other words, i decided to
recruit a part-time representative in the states to help assist me in handling payment from my Clients in the states and by
so doing gets 10% commission fee per client handled.
This is how it works.......I will be instructing my clients in the states to have their payment made out to you, which will
be delivered to your mailing address via FedEx, DHL, UPS or Postal Mail and upon receive of the payment...You'll then
proceed to your bank to cash the payment and should in case the bank requested you to deposit the payment...then Kindly do
that and i sure believe doing that shouldn't excess 1-3 days at least and immediately the funds are available...You then
deduct your 10% commission fee as promised and will later instruct you on how to go about wiring the rest funds via Western
So do you have YIM...I mean Yahoo Screen-name?
Anyway mine is leojasper32 Contact email leojasper32@yahoo.com
Leo Jasper.