This site can't be reached. Took too long to respond. ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED OUT
Internet connection window says connection good. DSL black box shows good. Ran maintenance, security and tune up. Google Chrome browser. Tried Edge and Bing, no response either. Never did this before except during some bad storms but then came back.
Any idears?
I get this from time to time but had assumed it was an issue with my home intetnet, as I seem to have constant trouble with the signal coming into house dropping out.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
It happens to me every single morning around 5:30am Central...although I wasn't up that early this morning. The site either times out, or takes ~5 minutes for a page to load. It's not usually when I first reload the site either, usually when I'm switching between topics or forums.
Its been happening for over a year, and on multiple devices. No other sites are affected, and witching from wifi to cellular on my phone doesn't change symptoms.
Its never bothered me too much, and no one else had brought it up I figured it's just me, but since we're discussing it...
I get that on occasion too, usually in the 6:30AM ET time frame (in other words, 5:30AM central). I always thought it was just me as well. Maybe something set to restart on a daily basis around that time server-side?
Do you have the same problem with any other computers on the same network?
Crap, I get the same error messages throughout the day... 95% on my phone.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
Same problem on Mac, Win10, or IOS; and it happens both in IL and MS. Actually, I'm pretty sure it happened in Gainesville at the Challenge on Friday AM(that would have been IOS).
So is it only happening with this web site? (Not happening on any others?)
This sounds like some scheduled activity on this site that's causing a short outage. I'm pretty much never browsing GRM at 5:30am central, I'll have to try it and see what happens.
For me at least, only this site. By 7 or so ET everything is fine again.
dculberson said:
So is it only happening with this web site? (Not happening on any others?)
It's happened w/ GRM only before but now it's all sites.
Have you restarted your DSL modem and Wifi router (if you have one) since the troubles have started? I usually do the following as a first troubleshooting step:
- Unplug both DSL modem and Wifi router from power.
- Wait 30-60 seconds
- Plug DSL modem back in
- Wait for all the lights to show a good connection
- Plug router back in
- Wait for it to come all the way back up
- Try internet again
Other things to try (to try and isolate the problem):
- If the device can be taken elsewhere - does it work ok on other networks (like at a coffee shop or something)?
- If your device is capable of either wired or wireless connections - if you're having issues while wireless does it work wired (or vice versa)?
- If you are capable of a wired connection - take the router out of the equation and plug directly up to the DSL modem. Does this make a difference?
In reply to GameboyRMH :
Yes, GRM only. That's what my though was too & why I've never brought it up.
In reply to szeis4cookie :
Not only rebooted, but replaced with a new router when our wifi quit this summer. It also happens over cellular, and when I'm in other states. So it's definitely not a provider or regional issue.
This is great info guys, I will make sure this is looked into.
szeis4cookie said:
Have you restarted your DSL modem and Wifi router (if you have one) since the troubles have started? I usually do the following as a first troubleshooting step:
- Unplug both DSL modem and Wifi router from power.
- Wait 30-60 seconds
- Plug DSL modem back in
- Wait for all the lights to show a good connection
- Plug router back in
- Wait for it to come all the way back up
- Try internet again
Other things to try (to try and isolate the problem):
- If the device can be taken elsewhere - does it work ok on other networks (like at a coffee shop or something)?
- If your device is capable of either wired or wireless connections - if you're having issues while wireless does it work wired (or vice versa)?
- If you are capable of a wired connection - take the router out of the equation and plug directly up to the DSL modem. Does this make a difference?
Unplugged for two beers worth (or twenny minutes). Plugged back in... and it works.
I thought the DSL modem got power from the computer power panel that switched off daily but wasn't, it was on a separate outlet/ panel.
That was a rough 36 hours.
Pete Gossett said:
In reply to szeis4cookie :
Not only rebooted, but replaced with a new router when our wifi quit this summer. It also happens over cellular, and when I'm in other states. So it's definitely not a provider or regional issue.
Yep, totally agree with you on the GRM site. Fasted58 had just mentioned that he was having more global problems so I offered a few suggestions.
5:37-5:38am Central 11/7, site took a little over a minute to load when I first opened Safari this morning.
It did the same thing for me this morning. Same time.
Didn't manage to do the test this morning, it's right in the middle of my morning rush out the door
but with 2 other testers we can now be sure there is a daily scheduled task causing a brief outage or severe slowdown on this site at 5:30 central.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Developers are looking into this now.
In reply to Ed Higginbotham :
FYI it happened a bit later this morning, about 5:40-5:42 Central.