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I went to my family's hunting camp in northern Michigan for the Easter weekend. I grabbed the wrong keys for the chain across the driveway. I drove around it after clearing some brush. I thought that I had a spare key in the cabin. I did not, but I did find an extra lock with keys. I stood behind a big ol' pine tree and poked my mauser at the lock. 180 grains, 2700 feet per second and a range of 12 feet opened the lock. Unfortunately it does not stay shut now.
Picks locks, pleasures women, opens beer bottles, slays delicious meat bearing critters... is there anything an 06 can't do?
there ain't much that a man can't fix with seven hundred dollars and a thirty-ought-six....
In reply to cdowd:
Thanks Chris. I am thinking that next time we should start with a .22 and work our way up the power curve.
You're gonna have to let that marinate for a few days or it'll be tough as hell.
I used a 30-06 to "fix" a problematic Blackberry Storm. Solved the problem of it locking up so it wouldn't even turn off. Just couldn't turn it back on.
are masterlocks in season?
What flavor of Mauser(?) is that?
In reply to slantvaliant:
Argentinean model of 1909, manufactured in Berlin. Originally chambered in 7.65 X 54.
4/2/13 6:29 p.m.
Happen to be a golden state arms sporterized conversion to 30-06?
I remember the old Master Lock commercials... those uh, didn't fail when shot. Pilotbraden just busted that myth 
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Picks locks, pleasures women, opens beer bottles, slays delicious meat bearing critters... is there anything an 06 can't do?
I thought you were a .270 man?
I have an 8mm Mauser. Probably my favorite rifle. Sentimental because my Grandfather sent it back from German in pieces after finding it in the mud, and partly because my cousins custom-made a beautiful walnut stock for it.
fasted58 wrote:
I remember the old Master Lock commercials... those uh, didn't fail when shot. Pilotbraden just busted that myth
look where he hit it.. then think about those old masterlock commercials. They shot it through the centre, where it is nothing but tumbler..
In reply to yamaha:
I was lead to believe, by the previous owner, that a gunsmith in the upper peninsula of Michigan did the work.
mazdeuce wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Picks locks, pleasures women, opens beer bottles, slays delicious meat bearing critters... is there anything an 06 can't do?
I thought you were a .270 man?
I have one of each. The .270 is a Remington 700 BDL with a sweet pre-China Bushnell on it for poking the eyes out of varmints. The '06 is a very original WW-II Springfield 03A3 that shoots nicely but it a bear to carry around with the full wood stock. It has claimed meat bearin' critters, pleasured women (not directly... just with it's sheer awesomeness) and opened beer (the bayonet clasp pops the caps right off :) ) but it is retired from official use these days. I'll probably hang it over the bar once I get around to building one.
Less destruction and much better stealth if you use shims instead.
mad_machine wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
I remember the old Master Lock commercials... those uh, didn't fail when shot. Pilotbraden just busted that myth
look where he hit it.. then think about those old masterlock commercials. They shot it through the centre, where it is nothing but tumbler..
Ah, you beat me to it. I still remember when I was a kid, those would come on the TV and my dad would laugh like crazy.