So the girlfriend wants a pink .22 and so I thought for her bday (providing I have a job) I would get her one. So far I have found Mossberg and CZ pink .22s. Are there others out there? And is a Mossberg any good (I have heard good things about their shotguns)?
Oh yeah. It needs to be a bolt action.
I think you should gift wrap it in a pink Cadillac. 
The pink ones I have seen are generally pretty small, like for 10 year olds or so. Is there a pink one for adults?
I would trust a Mossberg, or a CZ. Both are reputable names in boom-sticks.
Get whatever you want and duracoat it pink urban camo.
Like this bad ass FN Five seveN.

A mossy is an ok .22 . The CZ is MUCH better. CZ makes the best bolt action .22 available until you want to spend about a grand on a 12lb target gun or some AAA grade walnut stocked custom job.

They make some PRETTY guns. (accurate too)
Local gun shop ad shows something called a Cricket .22 that comes in pink. Single shot bolt-action for kids. Retails just over 100 bucks.
6/23/11 10:08 p.m.
Taurus has a number of pink guns, but most are .380. Not much difference.
My wife wants that Hello Kitty rifle.
6/23/11 10:39 p.m.
My buddy bought his lady a pink Walther P22. It is stupid fun to shoot, especially considering the funny looks we get at the range when doing so.
alex wrote:
My buddy bought his lady a pink Walther P22. It is stupid fun to shoot, especially considering the funny looks we get at the range when doing so.
Girl I went to high school with has one, was dirt cheap used and is a mess of fun as a plinker.
In reply to alex:
I assume he's talking rifles here. I'm pretty sure its illegal to buy a handgun for another person. The ATF form I filled out for my last handgun purchase has a sworn statement on it that the gun isn't being purchased for another person. Otherwise I'd have already jumped in with: "Forget pink, buy Browning Buckmark, live happily ever after . . . "
Sig mosquito comes in a pick upper and grips. Very good gun
6/24/11 12:25 p.m.
+1 on the Lauer Duracoat.
6/24/11 12:34 p.m.
I never even knew there were pink guns. I thought they legislated that toy guns had to be bright orange so they were easily distinguished from the real thing? So now they are making real guns look fake?
On the topic, I have a 60-year-old or so Mossberg .22 rimfire bolt with a little 8-shot clip. It's reliable and fun to shoot for plinking. Not light, though. Looks almost identical to that CZ pictured above.