Whilst pulling the construction box to install ceiling fans in the garage I cut a slice into the upstairs crapper drain with a sawzall. Thought I was cutting the crossbrace above the box. Never in a million years did I think there would be any kind of plumping, inches above an electrical box. I was wrong. :(
Can I Pig Putty (epoxy) this? Should I?

10/20/13 6:00 p.m.
If you have room I would use something like this attached with pvc cement.

I can get all the way around it. That looks promising.
bgkast wrote:
If you have room I would use something like this attached with pvc cement.
That and a large hose clamp for insurance.
That. or you can cut a patch out of a PVC fitting made for that tube to insert into, prime and glue. It'll be fixed for now but won't pass a house inspection in the future.
Its just a drain? Silicon. Done.
Single layer wrap w/ sheet rubber gasket material, one wrap of aluminum flashing w/ ends overlapped over rubber, secure w/ two hose clamps. Has worked well on steel, cast iron and plastic drains. Add RTV sealer/ adhesive for added insurance.
Probably overkill for this job tho.
Clean, sand, clean, JB stick putty, done. Or a couple layers of fiberglass and PVC cement.
If you do the easy fix, what are the consequences if it fails?
Grey water in your living room ceiling?
I think I would put in some kind of splice/connector.
It ain't fun to have to pull something apart do repatch it, I'd do like Moto and 914 and properly patch it with pvc using pvc primer and cement.
Leak would be into the garage. I've patched it with this:
I wasn't able to get the fiberglass wrapped around it completely since the pipe was jammed against the joint, got 2 full wraps on it. It's a temp fix at best but it's not leaking. Construction manager will be coming out for a look.
After discussing with the builder and county inspector, running plumbing and electrical together isn't considered a "best practice" or optimal but it isn't against code. Swell, Texas freedom.