Datsun310Guy said:
I’m wound too tight.
I’ll never find a $20 bill in a jacket pocket - all my money is in my wallet in ascending order faced the same way.
When I got bored on work conference calls I would sort it by year and serial number. Older bills ahead of the newer bills - all still in ascending currencies.
Shirts in closet…
Polo > short sleeve button down > long sleeve button down casual > long sleeve button down formal
Within each of the four groups, Doppler shift from red on left to blue on right > solids on left to prints on right.
All facing the same way with the first and fourth buttons fastened.
Oh, and matching hangers that exactly equal the number of shirts…buy a shirt - remove a shirt.
I have no interest in being cured – stuff like this makes me happy and I don’t find myself constantly chasing the next advancement – I set-up a system, tweak it a little, and lock it in as a best practice.
10/18/18 7:30 p.m.
paranoid_android said:
My wife’s spare car key she’s been looking for for the last eight months.
I think that’s when you put it on her night stand and pretend you have no idea where it came from
In reply to RX Reven' :
I totally get this. My shirts are grouped in much the same way, but the color shift is from white, cream, yellow, blue, green, purple, red, brown, gray, black, with prints separated into their own group.
In reply to RX Reven' :
Car keys - all teeth the same way - minimum amount, don’t carry extra.
I have three Schlage keys so my house key is the center one so I never have to think about it.
I wonder if this is how Roger Penske lives....
10/18/18 9:37 p.m.
T.J. said:
In reply to 02Pilot :
Wait, do you mean to imply that some people put money in their wallets not in order?
berkeleyin retards around here keep that E36 M3 in a crumpled ball. I haven't done that since I was 10 and went to Washington DC with my grandparents
Sees thread has turned into OCD convention.
Throws arm full of crap on the ground.
Enjoys extra time to accomplish important things.
Even I, the least organized person in the world, attempt to keep my cash in some sort of organized fashion.
Also my most worn jacket from last winter doesn't have usable pockets, so no surprises for me. I have a problem of forgetting where I left it, turned up in the back seat of my dad's truck this time.
10/19/18 8:46 a.m.
I'm hoping that one of my jackets turns up my skeletool, but so far I've been unlucky in that search.
Since I'm surprised nobody has said this yet:
"What has it got in its pocketses? Curse the Baggins, we hates it forever!"
No mysterious rings have turned up, but Gollem's first guess, a knife, would have been right for me.
10/19/18 9:36 a.m.
I like the OCD turn this has taken. My wife usually isn’t the most organized person, but she works at a bank. While every other aspect of her life would be in disarray if left to her own devices, if you hand her cash she will smooth, sort, face, and check the bills for counterfeits. Purposely putting it out of order is a good way to risk your life.
I found three ear plugs and a pen that doesn't work. I think I'm losing this game.
EastCoastMojo said:
In reply to RX Reven' :
I totally get this. My shirts are grouped in much the same way, but the color shift is from white, cream, yellow, blue, green, purple, red, brown, gray, black, with prints separated into their own group.
That’s like the third thing you’ve said recently that screams engineer…you may not have the piece of paper (yet) but you’re all engineer none the less.
Same here except I position the largest grouping of keys in the middle so I can form the best possible cat claw between my fingers should I need to slash or puncture my way out of a sticky situation.
And to further prove my point I lost my jacket again. Good thing I live in Kentucky where it's suddenly warm enough to not need it again.
Wow. My shirts are...not on the floor. Mostly.
Coat #1, Pocket #1: Winter hat and ski resort map. From a trip 2-1/2 years ago.
Pocket #2: Neatly folded pile of unused kleenex from same trip.
Coat #2, Pocket #1: Rubber bouncy ball. NMNA
Still can't find the hood to Coat #1.
10/20/18 8:05 a.m.
I still have my parka and work coat to go through. Although I’m sure my parka will just have stuff from my grandmother’s funeral last year.
In reply to RX Reven' :
You should see my collection of mechanical pencils! 
10/20/18 8:57 a.m.
EastCoastMojo said:
In reply to RX Reven' :
You should see my collection of mechanical pencils! 
0.3 0.5 0.7 and last but not least 0.9 all with fresh erasures ...right 
and leads.......