“They are presented as alternatives that exclude each other,” the pope said. “This clash is an absurdity because on one hand there is much scientific proof in favor of evolution, which appears as a reality that we must see and which enriches our understanding of life and being as such.”
Well now that that's settled, will people stop pretending evolution isn't real?
I know they won't, but I can hope.
Will the news be full of video of brain shrapnel? You know, lots of people's heads exploding and the others walking around in yellow slickers or pulling out the Gallagher plastic covering. 
If the pope said it, it must be true.

Like I listen to the pope anyway.
I think that's been the Catholic stance for a fairly long while (article was from 2007 FWIW).
in before lock, atheists.

well.. ten comments on that article.. and the lone idiot that disagrees with the pope hit send twice... so one absurd comment out of nine is a darn bit better than most news comments