I'm starting another Potatoes thread. Partly because they're so awesome that they need two threads devoted to them, and partly to see if I can one-up Salanis.
You can also make a PVC cannon and shoot potatoes into fields, at your shed, or at stray cats.
confuZion3 wrote:
...or at stray cats.
I hate cats as much as the next guy, but I hope you're kidding. That'd be a pretty E36 M3ty way to die. I assume it would involve suffocating from a punctured lung from the broken ribs.
Also good for running off an ex-wife.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
confuZion3 wrote:
...or at stray cats.
I hate cats as much as the next guy, but I hope you're kidding. That'd be a pretty E36 M3ty way to die. I assume it would involve suffocating from a punctured lung from the broken ribs.
Of course I'm kidding! I could never injure a poor, helpless animal. Now bears on the other hand . . .
Dude..... shoot a bear with a potato gun and post a video of what happens!
I would like to shoot Snuggies with potatos.
What other mischevious things can be done with the oblonged veggie? 
lol. don't get me started on my potato gun
It has a 4" main chamber (around 24" long) necked down to a 2" barrel (threaded on, so it is interchangeable)
runs on propane.
Has a stungun as a voltage provider for the ignitors (2 sets of bolts about 1/4" apart in the main chamber)
Big red "FIRE" button shoots it.
I have barrels down to 1" and up to 6" (watermelon/any other melon)
my main spud barrel is 2" rifled and ported pvc.
It shoots a LONG LONG LONG way (~250 yards if done correctly)
You need to post video of this. Preferrably of you shooting it in an irresponsible setting.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Dude..... shoot a bear with a potato gun and post a video of what happens!
I would like to shoot Snuggies with potatos.
Just don't shoot the charmin bears, those guys crack me up with their toilet paper shenanigans.

EastCoastMojo wrote:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Dude..... shoot a bear with a potato gun and post a video of what happens!
I would like to shoot Snuggies with potatos.
Just don't shoot the charmin bears, those guys crack me up with their toilet paper shenanigans.
Next person to say shenanigans gets pistol whipped!
1/29/09 1:47 p.m.
Hey confuZion3,
What's the name of that restaurant you really like?
not potato related, but along the same lines:
-Sorry about the delousing Farva, its standard procedure
-Its was powdered sugar
-Well, lice hate powdered sugar
-it was delicious
and also FTW
OOOOooohhhh Biker....Im an idiot
You can put sugar on a potato. It's related enough for me.
Has anyone had those potatoes that come individually wrapped and all you have to do is microwave them? Them's good potatoes!
confuZion3 wrote:
You need to post video of this. Preferrably of you shooting it in an irresponsible setting.
There's 8" of snow on the ground right now, so when it all melts (so that i can flee faster) I will take some video and let you all see. :)
Here I am completely surrounded by no potatoes. 
I want potatoes NOW!!! Tater tots, steak fries, baked, smashed I DONT CARE! I want 'em NOW!!! 
1/29/09 2:59 p.m.
I don't think there is enough cheddar cheese and garlic in this thread...
I friggin LOVE tater tots!
"Hey, Napoleon. Give me some of your tots."
"No! Go get your own!"
Hmmmm Teddy Ruxpin and a tickle me Elmo as targets for a spud gun? 
I shot a HUGE stuffed animal with it at the 4th of July last year... the potato took his head clean off... stuffing EVERYWHERE... I will see if I can find the pics.
Stuc wrote:
I don't think there is enough cheddar cheese and garlic in this thread...
We're missing some sour cream as well.
And bacon bits.....
OOH! Bacon bits! Better yet, Bacon Explosion! Put that in your potato and smoke it. Or bake it. Both seem to work just fine.
They'll light a lightbulb