So, here's the deal.
A little over three months ago, my house went up on the market. As most of my friends and some of those here where's it's come up know, this is primarily because I've long (badly) needed a bigger garage and there really isn't a good way to enlarge/replace the garage I have without it being more financially sound to just buy a place with a much better setup (my house is already one of the larger, more expensive ones in my neighborhood and I'd never get anywhere near what I would have to put into a garage back out of it when it came time to sell the place...). Since being listed those three months ago, there has been VERY little interest or movement on it- less than a dozen viewing requests (most coming immediately after the first price drop), and no offers or even feedback that people viewing it might be interested in it.
We've of course been keeping an eye out for suitable houses that would suit our needs to buy as well, and we've watched the vast majority of those that we really liked get sold- many of them under a month after they were listed. Some in less than a week, including one down the street from mine (we weren't interested in it, but of course were watching to see what happened with it.
Needless to say, the GF and I are rather frustrated about the situation- and she at least is VERY unhappy with our (or, more accurately, MY) realtor. Things got off on a very bad foot (no pun intended...) when on the day we signed the paperwork to list the house, she absentmindedly tracked driveway sealant through the house onto the carpet (thank you, Chem Dry- and yes, SHE paid for the clean-up). It also feels like she's done VERY little to actually try and actively sell the house. Every change or adjustment we've made to the listing itself or to drop the price (it's been dropped twice for a total drop of 5% of the original price) has come through our suggestion, and the one open house (held about a month and a half after it was listed shortly after dropping the price the first time) was something that WE requested she do. And apparently only one couple showed up to it.
The only feedback we've really gotten that's been of use from previous showings was that the potential buyers didn't like that it was across the street from several apartment complexes- otherwise they've all said the house showed well and most have said that the price seemed reasonable, but they just didn't have any interest in the house.
While I'm not as mad at the realtor as my GF is, owing in equal parts to my having a bit more sedate nature and having worked well with my realtor both when I bought this house and when I flirted with selling it about 4 years ago, I am getting pretty annoyed at the lack of any movement and can't deny the GF's observations that the realtor really doesn't SEEM to be doing much of anything try and sell the house. She brought it home rather pointedly when I was venting about the house a few days ago and in exasperation said, "I don't know, I just can't think of any other things to try and make it more appealing..." and the GF responded, "YOU shouldn't be the one trying to come up with those ideas- it's her JOB to do that and to sell the house..."
It's rather perplexing, because at the same time the realtor can't get PAID until the house sells, so you'd THINK she'd be pushing as much as possible to get it sold and us on to being able to buy a new place (which she'd also get a commission for). But she's not... every single correspondence on the place so far ourside of her early on sending the occasional house she thought we might be interested in has originated with me.
I dug up (or, more accurately- and hopefully as something of a prod- requested that the realtor send me another copy of) the paperwork for selling the house with the sale contract on it. The contract appears to say that the realtor has the exclusive right to selling the property for 6 months (half of which is up...), but in signing it I remember her saying that they were pretty flexible on things- though I don't know exactly how easy it would be to break the contract claiming that I felt the realtor wasn't doing a good enough job.
So- after all that explanation (which I suppose some of you won't be TOO shocked at... ), I'm curious to know if any of you have had similar issues with realtors and selling houses and how you handed them- if breaking the 'right to sell' contract and finding another realtor is feasible; if we're being unreasonable in assessing the realtor's performance so far; and thoughts/experiences with trying to drum up more interest in selling a property.