Not a promo for Mexican food.....
During Sandy, my son put out a PSA for his restaraunt saying hey, come in, charge your cell phone, call friends, use the rest room and don't feel like you have to buy something. We're a community and we have power.
Got plates that need sanitizing, bring them in between 2 and 5pm. Free dishwasher.
Ian lives in Mamaroneck, NY and works in Greenwich, Ct.
He got out last night at 3am (long days lately) & needs fuel in the Jetta. He drove north, mostly closed stations without fuel/electricity. He found one on the Merritt Highway that sold gas for the usual price. Others nearer his area were getting $5.75 for regular. Upon returning home he noticed a mile long gas line, cops roping off the area and pissed off consumers.
He went home, fired up his wife's car, went back to the Global Gas station on Merritt Blvd. and filled up.
If you live in this area and need fuel, please head to the nether regions. The station he went to is only 12 miles from Mamaroneck, has no line and has gas.
Sorry if this is not PC, but gas is there just not where you are.
Someone told me today to fill up; all deliveries are headed to NYC - NJ.
Nice to see locals helping locals. When I lived in Atlanta, we got hit with a big storm--ice (yes ice!) and no electricity for days. The local watering hole was open for all ages. It was nice to see the community (dogs, too) making do together.
11/4/12 3:53 p.m.
Thanks for this. I'm just far enough away that I don't have much to complain about. But, once everything settles down, I will make a point of finding my way to you son's restaurant.
For those in the Morris County area, gas is getting a bit easier probably due to the odd-even deal plus more stations getting power (30 to 45 minute wait lines).
Otherwise, you can head out to East Stoudsburg, easy ride on Rt. 80 and plenty of gas available in that town. We did that plus went shopping at The Crossings at the same time.
Nice thing your son is doing at the restaurant!
it's always funny (not "haha" funny, but rather "this is weird, don't these people have any brains" kinda funny) how people in cities never think to maybe step outside of the city when they need something that is in short supply or when they don't want to stand in lines... this thing with gas stations just outside of NYC is similar to the idiots that complain about the hours long waits in line at the DMV when they could walk in, do their DMV business, and walk back out the door in 15 minutes or less if they'd just take a 1/2 hour drive to a suburban DMV..