5/17/10 6:59 p.m.
What kind of screwed up hunt is this?
"Schall and the other python hunters are at a distinct disadvantage in that they cannot kill the snakes outright, but must trap them -- by hand or whatever nonlethal means they can devise -- and deliver them to wildlife officials, who will euthanize them by injection."
5/17/10 7:24 p.m.
Screwed up because you can't kill them or screwed up because it's necessary to hunt non-native constrictors in Florida at all?
5/17/10 7:32 p.m.
Will wrote:
Screwed up because you can't kill them or screwed up because it's necessary to hunt non-native constrictors in Florida at all?
Well, I was going to say it was screwed up because you could not kill them. Instead, I'll say that the reporter may have screwed up. I just checked our Fish and Wildlife website, and saw this:
With the exception of the small-game season in the Deep Lake Unit of Big Cypress (where only bows and muzzleloaders are allowed), hunters may use shotguns, rimfire rifles and handguns to take pythons. Nets and snares also may be used, but no matter the method of take, all reptiles of concern must be euthanized on site.
They allow shotguns. I'm guessing "must be euthanized on site" was a polite way of saying, "You cannot take it home for a pet. You've got to kill it." My guess is that the reporter just mis-interpreted it.....either that, or kills are allowed in some parts of our state and capture-then-euthanasia in other parts.
Hunting, Snakes, Euthanasia, Shotguns. I was hoping you were talking about Washington DC. 
5/17/10 8:30 p.m.
It's time they outlawed the exotic reptiles trade. They don't make good pets, and if they don't die an unpleasant lingering death; this is what inevitably happens.
Wonder what my local taxidermist would say if i showed up with a Python?
5/17/10 9:06 p.m.
JohnGalt wrote:
Wonder what my local taxidermist would say if i showed up with a Python?
Down here, it's probably, How would you like it mounted?
5/17/10 9:08 p.m.
Around here he would say "I don't make boots".
one more reason I want to go to florida
Just down the road from me is a place that still makes custom boots. If you brought in your own snake skin they might cut you a deal.
JohnGalt wrote:
Wonder what my local taxidermist would say if i showed up with a Python?
John Cleese or Eric Idle?
With or without the Norwegian Blue parrot nailed to the perch?
5/17/10 10:04 p.m.
Sheeeit, we got us pythons, boas, iguanas, gators, crocodiles, boars, we can make you all kind of boots. And dinner afterwards.
5/18/10 2:59 a.m.
cwh wrote:
Sheeeit, we got us pythons, boas, iguanas, gators, crocodiles, boars, we can make you all kind of boots. And dinner afterwards.
Sounds like you've got a good recipe for footless animal stew. Not to mention some nice footwear.
5/18/10 6:10 a.m.
cwh wrote:
Sheeeit, we got us pythons, boas, iguanas, gators, crocodiles, boars, we can make you all kind of boots. And dinner afterwards.
I heard a story from one of my co-workers about our iguanas causing a car accident:
You guys probably know that we had an unusually cold winter in FL this year. A lot of animals (iguanas, for instance) that live here don't deal with the cold very well. Apparently, they were getting cold enough to loose their grip on branches and fall out of trees. The story goes that a local was collecting these fallen iguanas to take home, kill, and eat.
The plan was sound, but his execution was flawed; he forgot to tie/restrain the iguanas in any way, and as they rode around in his nice warm car, they became considerably more active.
"Iguanas in a station wagon" doesn't have quite the ring as "snakes on a plane", but it still ended badly. 
Lesley wrote:
It's time they outlawed the exotic reptiles trade. They don't make good pets, and if they don't die an unpleasant lingering death; this is what inevitably happens.
I disagree completely. My gf has a bearded dragon and a Chinese water dragon and they are both fantastic pets. Jackie (after Jackie Chan - the water dragon) is awesome and very chill, like she's constantly smoking weed or something. She just hangs out on your shirt or shoulder and goes to sleep in your hair. Toulouse on the other hand is a riot. He's very active but will still go to sleep while you hold him on occasion.
5/18/10 8:14 a.m.
cwh wrote:
Sheeeit, we got us pythons, boas, iguanas, gators, crocodiles, boars, we can make you all kind of boots. And dinner afterwards.
I've had 'gator and rattler meat before.. not bad. Don't know how pyhton would taste. Maybe kinda like parrot, er.. I mean, chicken..
chknhwk wrote:
Lesley wrote:
It's time they outlawed the exotic reptiles trade. They don't make good pets, and if they don't die an unpleasant lingering death; this is what inevitably happens.
I disagree completely. My gf has a bearded dragon and a Chinese water dragon and they are both fantastic pets. Jackie (after Jackie Chan - the water dragon) is awesome and very chill, like she's constantly smoking weed or something. She just hangs out on your shirt or shoulder and goes to sleep in your hair. Toulouse on the other hand is a riot. He's very active but will still go to sleep while you hold him on occasion.
Yep, I've had two bearded dragons and an Iguana, and they're awesome pets. Especially the dragons.

AngryCorvair wrote:
or a 747...
I'm tired of these mother berkeleying snakes on this mother berkeleying plane.
JoeyM wrote:
"Iguanas in a station wagon" doesn't have quite the ring as "snakes on a plane", but it still ended badly.
Ever been tail whipped by a good size Iguana? That freaking HURTS! I don't care how tough you are, you'll not be doing much driving while getting your butt whipped by one.
Spinout007 wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
"Iguanas in a station wagon" doesn't have quite the ring as "snakes on a plane", but it still ended badly.
Ever been tail whipped by a good size Iguana? That freaking HURTS! I don't care how tough you are, you'll not be doing much driving while getting your butt whipped by one.
And their claws are ridiculously sharp.
16vCorey wrote:
Spinout007 wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
"Iguanas in a station wagon" doesn't have quite the ring as "snakes on a plane", but it still ended badly.
Ever been tail whipped by a good size Iguana? That freaking HURTS! I don't care how tough you are, you'll not be doing much driving while getting your butt whipped by one.
And their claws are ridiculously sharp.
Did you run out of shaved declawed gerbils?
A friend of mine had a large Iguana. (4 ft or so) He brought it by one day, and as it was sitting on my buddy's shoulder the beast let loose a firehose-like torrent of diarrhea which covered my friend in nasty reptile poo.
Great pets don't cover you in their feces. Unless you train them to.
5/18/10 6:18 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
A friend of mine had a large Iguana. (4 ft or so) He brought it by one day, and as it was sitting on my buddy's shoulder the beast let loose a firehose-like torrent of diarrhea which covered my friend in nasty reptile poo.
Great pets don't cover you in their feces. Unless you train them to.
Jeez, Joe. I can handle shootings, stabbings, beheadings, and drawn and quartered bodies being thrown into the mix, but what you just described just grosses me OUT!