8/14/14 5:41 p.m.
I made a mistake of doing an eBay search for something I don't need, but want. Vintage speakers. These are 30 miles from my house.....
8/14/14 5:43 p.m.
AAHHHHHH!!!! He's selling the matching sub as well!!
I'm in trouble....
8/14/14 5:48 p.m.
Why not? Open a line of communication with him. If you have money to spare, and the deal is good, and of course a place to put them, why not?
I don't know the first thing about audio stuff.
But back to back posts like this indicate you need to doo eeet
You know, I sent an email to a friend with the same subject line. And got almost the exact same result. Enablers everywhere!
8/14/14 6:46 p.m.
talk you down ???? that's not what we do 
Those probably sound great! Do it!
Does Magnepan still make speakers? I remember them being something of a sensation back in the early 80's. I also have a craving for some 80's era Klipschorns.
To the OP, those would look great in your listening room! 
I knew a guy who had a set just like those.
He got them cheap back in the day.
You see, there was an error at the loading platform and some guy got two sets not one so he sold the second set to my buddy; cheap. Just so happened my buddy was there in the parking lot while this guy was looking at them in his van .
8/14/14 8:03 p.m.
Vandersteens are not White Van material.
I had Magnepans and LOVED them. I've never heard a warmer, more natural sounding speaker with more perfect imaging than the maggies. But my Home Audio ADD got the better of me.
I have the money and the desire to get these Vandersteens, but not the room. I'd have to sell the Celestions I have now because I can't mix and match the 'steens and Celestions. The sensitivity is too far off.
Try as I might, I can't come up with a reason not to get them. Dang!!
"Talk me down" LMAO Like that's gonna happen
I have a set of vintage JBLs for sale, and some Audio Analysts I might get rid of too.