WWII 78th Infantry veteran with his Jeep, Keyser West Virginia, April 2012. He was a driver for Battalion Commander. He lives in Baltimore and used to drive it to the Division get together every April. Now he tows it behind his pick up.
1st Lieutenant Robert E. Braden, 78th Infantry Division, 310th Regiment, Anti Tank Company, Keyser West Virginia, April 2012.
What you do when your cheap eBay power brick keeps overheating due to the demands of your hacked together laptop with way more CPU than it was designed to handle.
What you do after the 2nd or 3rd time you've replaced and/or resoldered the power jack to the motherboard of said hacked together laptop.
bigdaddylee82 wrote: What you do after the 2nd or 3rd time you've replaced and/or resoldered the power jack to the motherboard of said hacked together laptop.
Dude, that is AWESOME. I am going to do that to the next laptop I kill by bumping the power cord and breaking the solder joint on the motherboard. Haven't figured out yet how to fix them in such a way that they last worth a darn.
PS - No pictures, but I used to have a computer that perpetually ate CPU fans. I got fed up and took one side of the case off and stuck a box fan on it, plugged it in to the monitor outlet in the power supply. Problem solved.
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