Guns, drugs, kids taken away; foster care, Dad threatens people finally steals the kids after tying up Gramdma.
He just turned up in Cuba. Kids are OK. Grandma and Grandpa are there too.
4/9/13 12:24 p.m.
CNN said:
Josh Hakken, described as an anti-government protester, was believed to be armed, according to the Hillsborough County sheriff's office.
This obviously makes him a terrorist and menace to society right? Gotta love CNN.
Hmmm, those 2 links don't appear to be about the same story, well other than the names & the people. 
I'd never heard of infowars before but I have seen CNN get a lot of flack lately for misreporting stories.
4/9/13 5:12 p.m.
Funny, 35 seconds ago I just got off the phone with my dad. He was anchored up in the keys and Marine Patrol came up and said they suspected these people to be in the area and to keep an eye out. He also was first on the scene while looking for a missing diver that was never found off Miami.
carguy123 wrote:
Hmmm, those 2 links don't appear to be about the same story, well other than the names & the people.
I'd never heard of infowars before but I have seen CNN get a lot of flack lately for misreporting stories.
infowars isn't much better than CNN in that respect...
it's one of the sites that i avoid just to not give Alex Jones (yes, that Alex Jones- the one that made Piers Morgan seem rational a few months back) the page views..
novaderrik wrote:(yes, that Alex Jones- the one that made Piers Morgan seem rational a few months back)
I've never heard of either.