I must once again call upon the Meotter Gods for help. During my drive, my soft top...uh well lets say a slight tear developed (pictures when I get to replace it). So on that very topic, what is a good replacement soft top? I'd like something nice as I am trying to sell this car along. Thanks!
If you live near a Spec Miata shop, you might be able to get one cheap that way. Otherwise, here's what I'll be using if I my friend can't find one with a glass window.
7/28/10 6:22 p.m.
I've used Robbins in the past and been impressed. I've heard good things about Cabrioworld. Dunno about the various cheap ebay options though.
Try to find a used one ie racing take-off that is still on the bows. 4 large nuts and then all those little 10mm nuts on the rain rail and you have a "new" top. Otherwise you are going to be buying the kit and paying someone to install for you.
New Reader
7/28/10 9:13 p.m.
+1 for Robbins. I have the one with glass rear window, worth the money. I had R-Speed in Atlanta do the install.
I bought one of the cheap ones and installed it myself. Worked just fine for the 4 years I had the soft top. When I got a hardtop I yanked the softtop and frame and sold it for a decent amount. Top still looked good and worked fine.
fastmiata wrote:
Try to find a used one ie racing take-off that is still on the bows. 4 large nuts and then all those little 10mm nuts on the rain rail and you have a "new" top. Otherwise you are going to be buying the kit and paying someone to install for you.
I've heard that replacing the top is not horribly difficult, it just requires patience. Confirm or deny?
I've heard that replacing the top is not horribly difficult, it just requires patience. Confirm or deny?
Confirmed. It was quite a bit easier than I would have thought. My only other top replacing experience came from some convertible vw bugs and three cabriolets, now those WERE hard. The miata was rather straight forward, and the only slightly difficult part was actually removing/installing the top assembly on the car myself. Would have been nice to have an extra hand to set it on while lining things up.
Don't hesitate, its not hard especially if you have "the book".
I've heard much ado about "the book". Would someone please elaborate?
7/29/10 10:13 a.m.
The top replacement isn't hard at all -- be sure to get a top with a rain rail, though. Chances are you will need one anyway. I think it took me around 3 hours, and I'd never done a soft-top before.
My guess this is "the book":
Keith's book . . .
If you get a robbins style top with a glass rear window, what kind of roll bar compatibility issues are you going to need to look out for?
New Reader
7/29/10 11:05 a.m.
In reply to Capt Slow:
Good question, I would like to know more about this myself. I have read that a Hard Dog Deuce bar (the double hoop bar) won't fit unless it is side braced. These look so much better center braced.
Boss Frog roll bars have this to say on the subject:
Q: Will it work with my glass window?
A: Boss Frog rollbars work with all factory windows and almost all OEM windows. If the window is roughly 33" or less at the front (top) edge, it will probably work fine.
But what do they mean by " 33" or less at the front"...measured from what, the rear deck?
7/29/10 11:17 a.m.
Rob, wrong book
Although everyone should have both.
Mazda Miata Performance Projects is the how-to one.
Boss Frog is referring to the width of the window. Hard Dog can make most of their roll bars work with a Robbins (or other) top. If you get a double-diagonal bar, you can get the bars moved slightly for clearance of an aftermarket window.
I am always conflicted when someone asks about glass window top replacements. I have found that the weight of the glass windows are very hard on the zippers and just accelerate the wear on the top. However, you cannot beat the view out of a glass rear window. Do you drive with the rear window out of the top or take your top down very often? I think that the number of times that you use the zipper will answer this question.
I was never brave enough to try doing a top. Making a mistake just seems to be too traumatic. I have noticed that the price of doing a top has gone up drastically.
7/29/10 2:10 p.m.
Here's another thing to think about - the NB tops have glass windows and are lighter than the NA ones. Oh, and they seal better too. If you go this route, you'll need the top frame from an NB. Then it's an easy job to swap them out.
Keith wrote:
Rob, wrong book
Although everyone should have both.
Mazda Miata Performance Projects is the how-to one.
Damnit I went and bought the other book already! Oh well, time to place my 6 online order in as many days.
Keith said:
Here's another thing to think about - the NB tops have glass windows and are lighter than the NA ones. Oh, and they seal better too. If you go this route, you'll need the top frame from an NB. Then it's an easy job to swap them out.
Luckily I already an NB (2001 SE to be exact)! So no problems there.
7/29/10 3:34 p.m.
If the order for "Find It, Fix It, Trick It" is a problem, lemme know and I'll make it disappear.
And while YOU have an NB, not everyone reading this does 
7/29/10 6:56 p.m.
Keith wrote:
Rob, wrong book
Although everyone should have both.
Mazda Miata Performance Projects is the how-to one.
Boss Frog is referring to the width of the window. Hard Dog can make most of their roll bars work with a Robbins (or other) top. If you get a double-diagonal bar, you can get the bars moved slightly for clearance of an aftermarket window.
Oops -- mine is so dirty from the garage and use that I can no longer read the title :) -- your link is the one I meant.
Keith wrote:
If the order for "Find It, Fix It, Trick It" is a problem, lemme know and I'll make it disappear.
And while YOU have an NB, not everyone reading this does
Thanks, but no thanks. A little more Miata literature can't hurt (especially since I'm already eying another here in town).