First day of the new year. The same as any other day, but also a good clean start. Where are you headed this year?
Cars: Fix the R63. Compete in One Lap 2017 (maybe participate is a better word) Get the RSX fixed enough to compete in something.
Grosh/house: Get the lathe set up and make something. Build the rest of the cabinets for the kitchen. Continue propagating plants and landscaping the yard. Be better at my weekly house chores.
Me: Continue with the stretching and meditation I started after summer. Make eating properly/more a priority and lift heavy things. Try to end 2017 10 lbs heavier and in better shape.
1/1/17 9:12 a.m.
finish cleaning shop
get chevelle done(rust repair, new everything between framerails and wheels, engine, paint)
first 11 second drag pass
first 10 second drag pass
drop a 10.xx at the challenge with a top 10 autocross time then retire the datsun from $20xx duty
not buy any more projects while completing current ones. when your 5 year old says "we have like a billion cars, right?" it's time to stop buying and thin the herd.
Evidently a lotta folks might have been keeping their 'be nicer' resolution as everyone encountered this morning was just super nice, like holding doors open and saying thank you.
At least for the first 8 hours of '17 anyway.
Get the last rust spot on the wagon fixed and finally put the interior together.
Quit eating junkfood out of boredom because im getting fat since i quit chewing.
1/1/17 9:45 a.m.
Car: Sort out zone V and enjoy it. Finish final bits and get out to more Races with El Rabbito.
House: Build the deck and patio. Finish the air compressor and plumbing the sink to finish out the garage.
Self: Keep more focus on the work/life balance and spend more time with the family. Take better care of myself.
Reduce the pile of crap I own to a reasonable amount and get my shop in order so I can actually find things.
Get SanFord back on the road and do more camping.
Renovate the living room.
Self: increase my faith. Put 5k into savings.
Cars: Finish, test, and compete with challenge car. Finish duster.
Hoese: finish 1/2 shop renovation. Finish decks. New coat of paint on all interior walls.
Self: Debt free, or close to it, this year and lose 30lbs
Car: Learn to rebuild a 13b and start gathering turbo components.
House: Remove oil burner and tank, replace stairs on deck.
Car: be faster this year, be in contention for FTD at least.
House: finish kitchen renovation, new countertops and grout.
Personal: continue being awesome and doing awesome things with Tiger Mom (she's amazing!)
Multiple Goals! I'm taking the shotgun approach. Put out a ton of goals, that way i'll get at least a few accomplished if even by accident.
1- Recover from this sinus infection i got last week (BERK YOU 2016)
2- Get more involved with friends and my church
3- Cut back on Mountain Dew consumption. I figure if i drop from half a dozen cans to maybe 1 a day, i'll loose weight like crazy. I did it before my wedding, i can do it again. Cresting 200lbs means most of my clothes no longer fit, and i don't have the cash for a whole new wardrobe... another thing, the seats in my Rx8 R3 are NOT designed for anyone with a growing posterior.
3.5- Reduce my caffeine addiction from completely crushing to only moderate levels
Garage Stuff:
1- Learn to MIG weld, and do so well enough to make structurally sound parts that won't just fall apart.
2- Finish the powerwheels project's body (need #1 accomplished first)
3- Get back into furniture making/wood working at least a little
4- Actually sand cast some stuff, not just ingots
5- (late project, maybe next winter) begin van project.
Shouldn't be hard to do some of that stuff. This year was hugely taken up by moving between places (with an interim at my parent's house for a few months while looking for a place), having a newborn, etc...
Actually finish a project.
Figure out how bad the house really is and try to get it fixed.
Have a team of lawyers ready on my 30th b-day to go after my inheritance and figure out who the liar is in my family.
Teach the little one to go around cones on her power wheel.
Not finish last at the challenge. If I finish last,then make sure I get most spectacular failure.
House - declutter, finish basement office and have the house ready to sell
Car- autocross for the first time. Sell the fox body or fix it and use it.
Piece the funds together to do wheels and exhaust on the Miata
Self- get into better shape. Reduce general negativity level. Focus more on the moment than on the destination.
Drive again
323: get rust protection and primer done. Get rad support welded in.
Xb: get deferred maintenance and blower motor in/done and a compressor clutch replaced
Do more wood working projects, become able and self sufficient
Crush my enemies.
See them driven before me.
And hear the lamentation of the women.
Also to volunteer at more rallies and rallysprints and to create content after them.
1/1/17 11:44 a.m.
Do 5 push-ups or squats for every beer I drink.
For real.
more barbells.
Get fun car and autocross.
finish a tough mudder.
pay off some student loans. My wife is close with one.
Have my wife go back to work successfully without hurting the family.
Double the size of my team at work... Gotta hire more people (hopefully I get more budget. people are demanding crazy salaries now).
More time on a bicycle.. Any form.. Hopefully BMX or offroad.
Have a nice vacation at a lake cabin with the family.
Lose some of the weight I pt on when I destroyed and rebuilt my neck.
Continue honing my AX skizzills.
Sell some of the car parts I'll never use.
Best example: civic parts. My civic was stolen four years ago.
Finally get around to putting this...

into this...

I just need to get more motivated. The only real expense will be new exhaust since the truck currently has a six cylinder in it. Other than that, install the EFI wiring and normal small block Chevy swap stuff. I've had this engine sitting on my stand for over a year now. I even have a scar on my shin from tripping over it in the dark shop one time.
Don't die, try to win the autocross championship before the competing weaponry gets too crazy.
Let's see.
Find a job that I actually enjoy a little until I can be a stay at home dad. And that isn't trying to kill me.
Finish the Rabbit enough to get it into a rallycross, and compete in my first motor sports event.
learn to program a thing to do something. Like an Arduino or a Pi.
Anything else would be icing on the cake.
Get out of the restaurant industry. Feet first if needs be.