The DSM and GTR community lost a legend and a super nice guy yesterday. A guy high on heroin going the wrong way on a Pittsburgh road collided with Curt on his bicycle yesterday afternoon.
Curt ran Curt Brown Racing and left a lasting positive impression on anyone he met. Glad to have met him once back in 2009 when I was selling my Galant VR4. Godspeed, brother.

In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
That is so awful. I remember Curt. I’ve had my GVR4 since 2000, and a DSM since ‘95, but I haven’t been active in the community for years. I remember him being a good guy. I also remember him being a hell of of driver. I recall that he was often asked to drive other people’s cars down the strip when the owners wanted to find out what their car could really do. I hope they throw the book at the loser who killed him. RIP Curt.
I remember looking up to him during my DSM and GVR4 days. Crazy it doesn't feel that long ago.
"A guy high on heroin going the wrong way on a Pittsburgh road collided with Curt on his bicycle yesterday afternoon."
This is becoming too common a story. Within a 12 month period here in Cincinnati, we had two instances of cyclists killed by heroin users. Ever since first responders have started carrying Narcan, the addicts shoot up and drive because they know that when, not if, they OD the Narcan will be right there to save their ass. They get saved at the untold costs of traffic "accidents", injuries and deaths of innocent people.
In reply to triumph7 :
There's a lot to say about this, but I won't. I'm too angry that a great soul left this earth way too early to make any valid points.
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Understood. I didn't know Mr. Brown but I'm becoming tired of seeing this happen again and again. Hopefully Pennsylvania is going to get some justice for Curt Brown. Here in Ohio it's almost a joke if you kill a cyclist... you probably wouldn't see a jail cell. Sorry for the rant.
Tough to hear about his passing, he was a legend in the DSM community and his cylinder head porting was top notch. He was always willing to help and answer questions.