Canadian folk music icon Gordon Lightfoot, whose evocative and poetic songs are etched into the musical landscape of Canada, has died at the age of 84, according to his longtime publicist Victoria Lord.
He'll always be known for "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", but he had some other great stuff, too. Wish I'd gotten a chance to see him live.
5/1/23 10:24 p.m.
Him and Stompin' Tom will be putting on a good show.
5/1/23 11:07 p.m.
In reply to ShawnG :
Maybe form a trio with Ian Tyson
5/2/23 6:12 a.m.
About 6 or 7 years ago, my sister and I had bought tickets for my parents to go see him for their anniversary. What none of us knew was that he'd had some pretty serious health issues over the last decade or so, including having an aneurysm in his abdomen while performing on stage and having had half of one lung removed, that left him and his voice pretty much unrecognizable. When he came out on stage and started, they thought he was an opening act, and then two or three songs in, they realized it was actually him. They said it was really rather depressing.
My 7th grade history teacher started class every day with "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" back in 1978. I introduced my oldest son to it when it popped up on YouTube last summer. He played it for his fellow residents this morning and received a bunch of confused looks
. To be fair, they are in Michigan which has frontage with Superior so it should be required learning.
fusion66 said:
My 7th grade history teacher started class every day with "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" back in 1978. I introduced my oldest son to it when it popped up on YouTube last summer. He played it for his fellow residents this morning and received a bunch of confused looks
. To be fair, they are in Michigan which has frontage with Superior so it should be required learning.
Having grown up in Michigan, that song might as well be our state anthem. It's ingrained in my psyche.
5/2/23 8:31 a.m.
On the subject of Edmund Fitzgerald, the bell actually rang 30 times, 29 times for the crew and once for the ship's pet cat. But Gord gets a pass because he managed to work Gitchegumee into a song.
Brings back wonderful memories of my yellow 74 Capri and him on the 8 track. Saw him several times in the late sixties as well. He had a marvelous voice. Last time was in Kingston in 2009 or 2010, his voice was gone at this point. I will have his songs in my head today.
I was hoping to see him in concert soon.
NickD said:
On the subject of Edmund Fitzgerald, the bell actually rang 30 times, 29 times for the crew and once for the ship's pet cat. But Gord gets a pass because he managed to work Gitchegumee into a song.
And for the way he pronounces "Detroyut". 
Many nights I close it out by listening to soothing songs off the you tubes, several of which are Gordon's. RIP Gordon Lightfoot. You didn't leave anything in the table. Fair sailing.
Saw him live in Flagstaff in the early 70s, just him, a guitar and a stool - fantastic show.