Wall-e wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
Politicians rarely say, "Yes. Yes, I did it. It's all true."
The last good politician was R Bud Dywer.
Probably a bit too dark to make it in the magazine, but that's one of the best lines I've read on the board in quite a while. 
RealMiniParker wrote:
How many times do they say "hope"? I'll try to count, next time I watch it.
just about as many times as someone wearing a man bun said "really??".
12/21/16 1:29 p.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Wall-e wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
Politicians rarely say, "Yes. Yes, I did it. It's all true."
The last good politician was R Bud Dywer.
Probably a bit too dark to make it in the magazine, but that's one of the best lines I've read on the board in quite a while.
I should probably mention those of you with delicate constitutions shouldn't Google his final press conference.
Was thinking about the movie a bit, and ran into one logical inconsistency (I know it's fiction, I should stop obsessing over it):
Vader boarded the rebel flagship, so presumably it was captured, along with most of its crew. The Empire did not know the location of the rebel base on Yavin IV until they planted a tracking device on the Millenium Falcom in A New Hope. Are they saying that every single captured rebel from that ship was able to resist torture and interrogation as to the location of the rebel base?
Another logical inconsistency. Vader was on the rebel command ship when the Tantive IV escapes to hyperspace. How was he able to get back to his star destroyer quick enough to be on top of them at Tatooine?
eastsidemav wrote:
Was thinking about the movie a bit, and ran into one logical inconsistency (I know it's fiction, I should stop obsessing over it):
Vader boarded the rebel flagship, so presumably it was captured, along with most of its crew. The Empire did not know the location of the rebel base on Yavin IV until they planted a tracking device on the Millenium Falcom in A New Hope. Are they saying that every single captured rebel from that ship was able to resist torture and interrogation as to the location of the rebel base?
He probably killed the whole crew instead of interrogating them 
I think we're getting too far into the weeds for a space shoot-em-up, personally. 
I really appreciated that there was only one really bad "member berry" type moment
tomtomgt356 wrote:
Another logical inconsistency. Vader was on the rebel command ship when the Tantive IV escapes to hyperspace. How was he able to get back to his star destroyer quick enough to be on top of them at Tatooine?
The only previous mention (that I'm aware of) of the duration between the stealing of the DS plans and the firefight over Tatooine was in one of the video games (one of the Rogue Squadron games I believe). I believe it implied that several days elapsed between the actual heist and the Imperial boarding of the Tantive 4.
However, I'm not sure that's canon anymore. Several scenarios make sense, though. Maybe the "chase" didn't start directly above Scarif, but Imperial forces had to find the T4 then alert Vader's Destroyer to its location. I'd assume that Leia was probably heading to Yavin 4 AND to Tatooine to pick up Obi Wan Kenobi at the behest of her stepdad. Which order she did that in and what the actual plan was remains a mystery until we get some canonical statement.
If it was me, I'd be tempted to zing back to Yavin 4—IF I could beat the Star Destroyers out of there and make a clean getaway so I could not be tracked—then once copies of the plans were safe with rebel command, go after Ben.
Maybe their unwillingness to give away the location of their base was more important than additional eyes on additional copies of the plans. Hell, if that was me by the time I hit the "p" in Hope I'd be jamming that thing into whatever port it fit into and making copies and spreading them everywhere and broadcasting them from every antenna in every direction. It isn't like they DON'T KNOW you have them. They TOTALLY know. So mitigate their advantage.
12/21/16 11:02 p.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
tomtomgt356 wrote:
Another logical inconsistency. Vader was on the rebel command ship when the Tantive IV escapes to hyperspace. How was he able to get back to his star destroyer quick enough to be on top of them at Tatooine?
The only previous mention (that I'm aware of) of the duration between the stealing of the DS plans and the firefight over Tatooine was in one of the video games (one of the Rogue Squadron games I believe). I believe it implied that several days elapsed between the actual heist and the Imperial boarding of the Tantive 4.
However, I'm not sure that's canon anymore. Several scenarios make sense, though. Maybe the "chase" didn't start directly above Scarif, but Imperial forces had to find the T4 then alert Vader's Destroyer to its location. I'd assume that Leia was probably heading to Yavin 4 AND to Tatooine to pick up Obi Wan Kenobi at the behest of her stepdad. Which order she did that in and what the actual plan was remains a mystery until we get some canonical statement.
If it was me, I'd be tempted to zing back to Yavin 4—IF I could beat the Star Destroyers out of there and make a clean getaway so I could not be tracked—then once copies of the plans were safe with rebel command, go after Ben.
Maybe their unwillingness to give away the location of their base was more important than additional eyes on additional copies of the plans. Hell, if that was me by the time I hit the "p" in Hope I'd be jamming that thing into whatever port it fit into and making copies and spreading them everywhere and broadcasting them from every antenna in every direction. It isn't like they DON'T KNOW you have them. They TOTALLY know. So mitigate their advantage.
But they don't know that the self destruct was built into it.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Maybe their unwillingness to give away the location of their base was more important than additional eyes on additional copies of the plans. Hell, if that was me by the time I hit the "p" in Hope I'd be jamming that thing into whatever port it fit into and making copies and spreading them everywhere and broadcasting them from every antenna in every direction. It isn't like they DON'T KNOW you have them. They TOTALLY know. So mitigate their advantage.
It seems to me that the death star plan files are enormous, and the thing it's on is the Star Wars equivalent of an 8TB SAS drive...not easy to copy around willy-nilly and the hardware that interfaces with it isn't common.
Someone would have to look at the data to figure out that you need to shoot proton torpedoes into the exhaust port on the meridian trench to blow it up, and then that little fact could be easily broadcast. Nobody had a chance to look at the data until R2 delivered it to the rebels in ep4 though.
Edit: And broadcasting that around might be a bad idea. The Empire apparently didn't know about the weakness, and alerting them to it could give them a chance to fix it.
Getting more into Star Wars computing sci-fi, this is presumably the Death Star plans being loaded onto R2 in ep4, on a slim little card rather than a gigantic hard drive. Although who's to say it's not still a massive amount of data? This could be the equivalent of a hyper-expensive PCIe SSD card with a similar capacity to the giant hard drive seen in Rogue One.

And here it is in a Lego Star Wars game, LOL 

going by ex-cannon information. While the Falcon can do .5 past light speed, the Star Destroyers can do light speed. Other non-military ships are not allowed to go that fast. It is safe to assume the Tantive 4, because it was Bail's personal ship, was kept to "legal stock" in that respect.
While I am sure the Empire did not yet know of Yavin 4, I am willing to bet that Captain Antillies probably tried to pilot a zig-zag course through the galaxy to shake Vader and the fleet.
mad_machine wrote:
going by ex-cannon information. While the Falcon can do .5 past light speed, the Star Destroyers can do light speed. Other non-military ships are not allowed to go that fast. It is safe to assume the Tantive 4, because it was Bail's personal ship, was kept to "legal stock" in that respect.
I never thought about their light-speed capabilities, but I always assumed they were capable of multiple factors of light speed, ala Star Trek's warp drive. After all, they travel between star systems pretty quickly, and that would still take years at light speed.
It's best not to think too hard about the math of interstellar travel in Star Wars...it makes less sense than time travel in the Terminator movies. Actually what would make the most sense is if the speed of light in the Star Wars universe was massively faster than IRL.
The plans were on a small drive at the end of Rogue one, it looked just like the one at the beginning of A New Hope.. the big hard drive thing never left the planet, but got destroyed with the base.
GameboyRMH wrote:
It's best not to think too hard about the math of interstellar travel in Star Wars...it makes less sense than time travel in the Terminator movies. Actually what would make the most sense is if the speed of light in the Star Wars universe was massively faster than IRL.
most of the "math" involved deals with Han's boast that the Falcon can do .5 past light speed. In all reality, the Falcon is massively fast, perhaps the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Military ships are just a little slower and by imperial law, civilian ships are slower yet.
mad_machine wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
It's best not to think too hard about the math of interstellar travel in Star Wars...it makes less sense than time travel in the Terminator movies. Actually what would make the most sense is if the speed of light in the Star Wars universe was massively faster than IRL.
most of the "math" involved deals with Han's boast that the Falcon can do .5 past light speed. In all reality, the Falcon is massively fast, perhaps the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Military ships are just a little slower and by imperial law, civilian ships are slower yet.
Well, Han also said that the Falcon could do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. Since a parsec is a measure of distance, not time.... Yeah. Best not to take any of this too seriously. 
Tom_Spangler said:
Well, Han also said that the Falcon could do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. Since a parsec is a measure of distance, not time.... Yeah. Best not to take any of this too seriously.
I take that to mean that Han knows a short cut.
12/22/16 9:29 p.m.
novaderrik wrote:
The plans were on a small drive at the end of Rogue one, it looked just like the one at the beginning of A New Hope.. the big hard drive thing never left the planet, but got destroyed with the base.
Yep they just transmitted the giant old school hard drive onto the equivalent of a zip disk, and dude running from vader passing it through the partially open door to other dude who escaped had pretty much what we see inserted into R2 in a new hope.
It was a neat prequel. It was super boring leading through the whole "find my dad" thing and only picked up after he kicked it. Once that was over it picked up quick
Also the cantina dbags from a new hope were in jedha, how did they get out before it blew up?
You don't get wanted in 12 systems without knowing how to get out of town in a hurry.
I finished the book "catalyst" this evening. I suggest people pick it up, the relationship between Krennic, Galen, and Tarkin is very interesting.
HappyAndy wrote:
Tom_Spangler said:
Well, Han also said that the Falcon could do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. Since a parsec is a measure of distance, not time.... Yeah. Best not to take any of this too seriously.
I take that to mean that Han knows a short cut.
I've seen a decent explanation for it: the Falcon's speed allows it to cut in closer to the nlack holes in that area, which allows him to take a straighter path thru that part of space.
Also, it could have just been a lie meant to impress Steve Obi Wan Ben Larry Kenobi, which is why you see Obi Wan give that "whatever" look when he says it.
12/23/16 6:19 a.m.
I liked it. The thing that is funny to me is that I watched the movie and an hour later couldn't tell you a single character name other than Vadar, Leia, R2D2 and C3PO.
To me, this movie starred 'the girl', 'the girl's dad', 'the off brand vadar' (urso?), the white cape guy, the blind guy, the blind guy's muscle and so on. None of their names are important to me.
The thing I like is that I can still enjoy the movie and apparently those who want to know the back story and details about these characters also can enjoy watching the movie.
I'm sure I missed a bunch of references to the other movies, but the ones I got, liked.
12/23/16 7:12 a.m.
Truth: I watched while wrapping a big pile of Christmas cheer, so i missed some small bits.
Loved blind guy. The one thing that I wish they would have done since the beginning, from day one, is give human characters accents that don't match their ethnicity, just to blow our minds because it happened long long ago in a galaxy far far away. How awesome would blind martial arts master be with a deep scottish accent? Shatter so stereotypes while entertaining me
patgizz wrote:
Truth: I watched while wrapping a big pile of Christmas cheer, so i missed some small bits.
Loved blind guy. The one thing that I wish they would have done since the beginning, from day one, is give human characters accents that don't match their ethnicity, just to blow our minds because it happened long long ago in a galaxy far far away. How awesome would blind martial arts master be with a deep scottish accent? Shatter so stereotypes while entertaining me
My late grandmother attended a wedding in Glasgow Scotland. (she was English) and on a sunday, most everything is closed. The only place they could find to get food was an English Fish and Chip shop, run by Chinese, with Scottish accents!
So even IRL, it happens.