Okay, we finally saw it. I realize it's almost March and the move came out in December but, hey, we've been busy.
Like some others here, my brother and I saw the first movie in the theater. It definitely left a mark. This is more than a movie.
Okay, back to Rogue One: Yeah, dark, dark movie. I went in knowing how it was going to end (I mean, we all know about the Death Star, right?) but didn't expect it to all end like that. Ow.
Also, is it me or is there stuff in the trailers that isn't in the movie? Like the dude in the white cape walking through the water? And the handcuffed Rebel pilots? And the TIE fighter coming face-to-face with Jyn the end of that walkway thing? And her line of "I rebel"? Or did I just miss all that stuff? (I admit, it's been a couple of late nights in a row.)
Here are the trailers:
Okay, for me, at least, the coolest part of the movie: seeing my friend's name in the credits! And he wasn't in there with a bunch of other people--he got some real space. He's been the music editor on a ton of movies, from Tank Girl though a bunch of block-busters, but this is Star Wars.
We were both involved with our student union's movie theater in college, and he kinda took me under his wing--plus he had a car, meaning we could go to Atlanta to see Akira. (Another life-changing movie.) At one point soon after graduation he was at the right place at the right time and said, Um, sure, I can be your music editor. As they say, the rest is history.