1/8/10 12:05 p.m.
So I'm thinking of building a camper that would roll on and attach to my car hauler when it's not being used. Something simple, table, beds for four, place for chemical toilet, think a wooden tent. I figure that I can build in wheel wells with wheels that lower to roll on and off and raise up in the wells while it's anchored to the trailer. Wood frame, glued and bolted, MDX sheeting, painted a glossy white. A door and two or three windows. Over time it could be made more fancy, but probably not.
Anyone here do this? Thoughts? I think my family will be happier and warmer (insulated) with solid walls then they are in a tent (they don't like that much).
I guess the question is not how well it would perform as a shelter but more how it maintains integrity at 80 mph.
Or you can buy better sleeping bags.
Too much money? Try these. They come in three sizes.
How about a truck bed camper? You could drive the trailer under it.
Probably end up cheaper to just by a used pop up camper.
1/8/10 1:13 p.m.
Post some pics and the dimensions of the hauler so people don't go all blank-slate and blue-sky on you.

Ready made version - non runners are dirt cheap. Winch it on and go!
sachilles wrote:
How about a truck bed camper? You could drive the trailer under it.
Probably end up cheaper to just by a used pop up camper.
+1. Or take the wheels off a pop up camper.
I've also seen trailer campers that double as car haulers. Pretty cool set up, but I would imagine the stench could be bad with a dripping car.
1/8/10 1:31 p.m.
bludroptop wrote:
Ready made version - non runners are dirt cheap. Winch it on and go!
this is actually a damn good idea.
I've seen a truck bed camper on a car hauler. Still had room for the bike, too.
1/8/10 1:54 p.m.
bludroptop wrote:
I'd be worried about that holding up at 80mph too, since one's probably never been that fast before.
I second the pick up slide in. It would hold up fine since it was built to be bouncing around on the back of a pick up.You could even build a few storage boxes to fit under the side overhangs to double as more supports if you want.
bludroptop wrote:
Ready made version - non runners are dirt cheap. Winch it on and go!
As long as you're not planning on going anywhere fast.
If you really want one, my friend's dad was (i think still is) selling one, and it's in mint condition. '84, 40k miles, but he wants $11k.
1/8/10 10:00 p.m.
Thank you for the ideas! I had not thought of the pickup camper (slapping head with heel of shoe). While the westy is way cool, and pulling it on a trailer is the only safe way to drive in one, I think the camper wins
I love this board!
Ian F
1/8/10 11:15 p.m.
Have you priced slide-in campers? While I'm sure deals can be had, in general they seem to hold value really well. And because so much of the bits are small and specialized, repairs can be a bitch... re: the cheap ones usually need expensive repairs...
I've had thoughts similar to yours, although my idea was to use pre-fab insulated foam panels similar to those used in cold boxes.
If you've ever seen the structural guts of an RV, it gives me the feeling that any of us "GRM-building" one would probably make it much stronger... and heavier...
Finally... IMHO... having wasted many years dreaming about these things... sell the open trailer and get an enclosed one. Presto: big tent... Get some portable camping gear to go inside... cots and whatnot...maybe a bench with some utilities on the front wall... and then you only have to store one big object...
There's a forum called teardrops and tiny trailers - or something like that. It's home built campers around the size and level of complexity you're after.
It's sure to give you lots of ideas as to how to pull this off.
Ive seen the areo lite type trailers at decent prices for used and abused. these are the ones that expand vertically, and keep a nice low profile while towing. add a few jacks and remove the axles, and youve got a nice rectangle to strap to the car trailer...
It will be far cheaper to find a used camper camper trailer that already has the camping stove, fridge, etc in working order if you want that stuff, than buying it all elsewhere.
I have just purchased platform beds for all the bedrooms in my home and I'm not sure what type of bedding to buy. I don't want the comforter, quilt, Metal Beds whatever to hang over the platform of the bed as the platform extends past the mattress and is really what I love most about the new beds
2/26/10 3:09 a.m.
What kind of bed would you put in a canoe?
I think you would do far better with an enclosed trailer that you simply put a table and such into when not loaded with a car.
Don't you think stacking three air mattresses into a canoe might make it a little top heavy? 
Ian F wrote:
Finally... IMHO... having wasted many years dreaming about these things... sell the open trailer and get an enclosed one. Presto: big tent... Get some portable camping gear to go inside... cots and whatnot...maybe a bench with some utilities on the front wall... and then you only have to store one big object...
I like this idea. You could use an enclosed trailer for so many things - car hauling, cargo, camping. Me likey.
2/28/10 6:16 p.m.
Jeff, Your idea is certainly plausible. As others have mentioned I have seen slide-in campers mounted on a car trailer but you could make yours custom fit the trailer.
Personally I would go with an enclosed car trailer and modify it. I have seen them with cabinets built in across the front for a fridge, stove top and underneath storage for the toilet. They also had fold-down bunks along the sides.