I am 54 years old - I have a 14 year old, 8th grade daughter that needs to ride this bicycle along with me riding it a little bit. I decided we needed a Krate bicycle even if it's a reproduction version made in China. I never had one and just bought one on Amazon today.
Why would a man my age buy this type of bicycle?
Since my daughter is a talented artist I told her she needs to learn how to pinstripe and I will let her pinstripe my new truck. What is going on with me? Mad Magazine next?

New Reader
3/9/17 8:26 p.m.
You gotta make your own fun in this world, sounds like you are up to the challenge! Cant wait to see all of the pinstriping!
3/9/17 8:41 p.m.
I've got a tandem version of that. 
I had a '67 Stingray. All my friends had Huffys. My Schwinn outlasted three of their Huffys.
3/9/17 8:43 p.m.
My Schwinn tandem is 47 years old, and I am the original owner. 
In reply to Datsun310Guy:
I used to do some pinstriping a few years ago. It was fun, but after a few months I sort of lost my inspiration and realized all my designs were starting to look the same.
I found the key to doing well was primarily in the brushes, and secondarily in the paint. Pick her up a set of Mack brushes and 1 Shot paint in whatever colors she wants. Then point her toward some YouTube vids, and gather a bunch of random pots/pans/glasses/junk for her to practice on.
New Reader
3/9/17 8:58 p.m.
First thing I would do is swap that 36 tooth front sprocket for a 32.
3/9/17 9:02 p.m.
I went through the Schwinn thing a few years ago. No Krates, but I have a few Sting Rays down in the basement. I loves me some Campus Green.
Former Pea Picker owner here.
3/10/17 1:14 p.m.
My friends and I were just talking about our old Stingrays yesterday. Funny but the conversation turned to how much they cost back then and how much our parents made. In 75 a base Stingray was $62.95. That was quite a bit of money if you consider minimum wage was $2.10. Makes me more appreciative now.
Mine was a yellow 3 speed. I think it got ran over on the farm many years ago. I would definately rock that around the neighborhood when the wife and I go for a ride if I still had it.
I had a Chopper. Coolest kid on the block, baby.

I never had the "cool" bikes. After being in Europe for many years, my mom was bitten by the neat European bikes. Once I got beyond the basic bicycle phase, I was on to skinny tyred "ten speeds" before they were even remotely cool.
I was, however, the fastest kid in the neighborhood on my bike
For cruising around the neighborhood, its tough to beat the new crop of adult sized BMX bikes.
PK Big Ripper in 24, 26, and 29" tire variants
Haro Master reissue in 24 and 26" variants
Subrosa makes a 700c version that more of a trail/path rider.
STLN ZEKE XLT 26" wheels
Or vintage BMX cruisers like the US made DK General Lee, older Redline or Haro, etc.
I have a STLN Zeke XLT with 26" wheels and its fantastic.
They are tough, cheap enough, look cool, and ride like you remember a BMX bike, even though you are now 6' tall and have adult knees.
Don't confuse 26" BMX with 26" dirt jump bikes. Dirt jump bikes suck for cruising.