No levels are ranks. No streaming of content. In person gatherings and excursions of people sharing knowledge, insight and know how on topics and tasks for others to earn merit badge type recognition. We've drifted apart over the years and spent more time merely virtually coming together. Let's meet. Let's learn. Let's create.
I am so confused right now.
SV reX
9/22/23 9:26 a.m.
But I WANT a merit badge for traffic safety!!
Interesting concept. My wife and I occasionally attend a group that has educational and other classes... in our mid 60s we are sometimes the youngest in attendance. It's sad that younger generations are substituting virtual meetings for friendships and video games for actual experiences. (They do, however, have very athletic thumbs!)
SV reX
9/22/23 9:31 a.m.
In reply to triumph7 :
I think you missed that virtual meetings ARE friendships.
In reply to SV reX :
Maybe so, but I think virtual friends are in a different category than people you see and interact with in person. That's probably a topic for another discussion.
In reply to SV reX :
It's not the same as being in the same room with people, seeing their facial expressions and other nuances of communication. Remember the old days of a bunch of guys hanging in the garage working on a car?
SV reX
9/22/23 9:37 a.m.
In reply to triumph7 :
Not the same for you and me. I didn't have to go to HighSchool during COVID.
I would totally love something like this.
Now that I'm home on a regular basis and not traveling all of the time for work, I've been looking for ways to enrich myself and learn new things while being social.
Darn those young people and their Ataris!
Okay, seriously, I’m part of a zine meet-up group. We get together once a month at an Orlando book store to celebrate our love of zines–homemade little magazines. We make them, trade them, talk about them. We were part of a lit expo at the Orlando library this weekend. (Full house, by the way.)
I’m the oldest one at these meet-ups by decades.
I’m also part of a local photo community that’s half models and half creators. We do one or two group shoots per month. Group size? I’d say 50-75 people at each shoot.
Again, I’m the oldest by decades.
So, please.
Fine I'm in but I'm not trying to sell a single GD cookie. And I'm not even eating the 'popcorn'.
9/22/23 10:32 a.m.
triumph7 said:
It's sad that younger generations are substituting virtual meetings for friendships and video games for actual experiences. (They do, however, have very athletic thumbs!)
The internet is not evenly representative of the populace. Sports events still happen - for children and adults. My wife and her friend brought the kiddos to Yoga in the park last week. Going on a hike with other friends this week. Gamers still go events at stores. I'm going to a jam next week.
People still do stuff. Virtual meetings are easier to have more frequently and are cheaper, so there are more of them, but more people can participate, but people still do stuff in person too. Even the younger generations.
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
Check this out: We buy the cookies ourselves and then just eat them.
I'd love to participate in a group activity in person some day.. When I'm not drowning in kids activities.
Send help.
stuart in mn said:
In reply to SV reX :
Maybe so, but I think virtual friends are in a different category than people you see and interact with in person. That's probably a topic for another discussion.
No, if my teenagers are anything to go on, it's not virtual friends. These are not people that they've never met, it's real life friends who they also spend a lot of time interacting with online.
triumph7 said:
It's sad that younger generations are substituting virtual meetings for friendships and video games for actual experiences.
We have a virtual video game racing 'league' that has probably 30+ members (max simultaneous was 18 IIRC), ranging from ~15 to 70 years old. Its friendship at some level, its social, its racing. Nobody is using it as a 'substitution for actual experiences' anymore than you posting on this forum is a substituation for speaking to real humans. Many of the virtual participants also participate in track events, autocross, Lemons, etc.
Its many things, but sad is not one of them.
Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) said:

No levels are ranks. No streaming of content. In person gatherings and excursions of people sharing knowledge, insight and know how on topics and tasks for others to earn merit badge type recognition. We've drifted apart over the years and spent more time merely virtually coming together. Let's meet. Let's learn. Let's create.
Back on topic... isn't this pretty much what maker spaces already do?
David S. Wallens said:
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
Check this out: We buy the cookies ourselves and then just eat them.
You drive a hard bargain!
bmw88rider said:
I would totally love something like this.
Now that I'm home on a regular basis and not traveling all of the time for work, I've been looking for ways to enrich myself and learn new things while being social.
Same here. WFH permanently for the last 3.5 years has definitely had a negative effect on my mental health.
We don't really know many people here, so it's tough to develop those relationships.
Built in parts/materials swap every meeting, too.
Scout Manual 1972 - you have to earn this merit badge first.

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
Robbie (Forum Supporter) said:
David S. Wallens said:
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
Check this out: We buy the cookies ourselves and then just eat them.
You drive a hard bargain!
DSW for Scoutmaster!
I didn’t make Eagle but, sure, put me in, coach.