Forget those Bob Costas Aussies and that V8 lawn tractor making 200hp. The crazy Swedes know how to build a fast tractor. Which of you lunatics will be the first to make your own?
Man, I live on here and I missed it not once but twice?!?!?!?!?
I thought I looked at every single post there's ever been and many 2-3-4 times!!!!!
I will go and hide in the corner in shame and eat a double helping of Ikea meatballs as penance (actually I did that over the weekend, the dogs are still eating the damn things)
Triple repost or not, this is the first I've seen of it.
Bloody awesome, where's mine?!
This has got to be the 5th time I've seen this, but a tractor named "Terror" deserves to be seen 5 times.
I love the bit where he comes round a corner and loops it, before he startes doing donuts in the width of a narrow road. New retirement project in 20 years
12/11/12 11:11 a.m.
I've seen this posted everywhere. Seems like each day for about 2 weeks (about a month ago) each one of my facebook friends discovered it independently (and apparently don't check their newsfeeds, since I had posted it a month ago, lol).
I prefer the youtube video of the guy drifting his tractor on icy roads and eventually getting pulled over by the popo.