9/27/16 9:34 a.m.
There was a a televised discourse last night where the participants were talking about current events. My understanding is that this broadcast had a huge audience. Perhaps even some from this crowd.
If you happen to have watched such a show, in ONE non-offensive word, how would you describe it? No cheating with the "thousand words" option!
9/27/16 9:43 a.m.
Abandoned; it's what I did after a few minutes of a radio broadcast.
(Trying to watch on YouTubes, and I can only stomach 5-10 minutes at a time.)
9/27/16 9:48 a.m.
If I had two words they would be: confirmation bias
Let me explain why: there is nothing either of these two morons are going to do to change the opinions and thoughts of their opponents. The rest of of us have already resigned ourselves to the sad fact that one of these morons is going to be president and we're either not voting at all, or we're going to vote 3rd party because there is no way we could sleep at night knowing we voted for one of these two bimbos. So, these are pointless and a waste of time and resources.

Technically three words but hopefully I’ll get a pass as its only one symbol.
Added later…
Oh man, Rob beat me to the punch with the workaround.
Or maybe amazing, in that people actually tuned in for this E36 M3 show.