NOHOME wrote:
APEowner wrote:
Your lawyer works for you.
You have obviously never dealt with a lawyer
I see two lawyers playing a Fi$h until he is spent out and then the problems will magically disappear. Then again, I have been accused of being cynical.
I deal with laywers all the time. They handle corporate, real estate and patent stuff for me that I don't have the time (or in some cases, the expertise) to deal with. I've never had a problem with one of them not doing their job but if I did I sure wouldn't keep using them.
You may, however be correct about the OPs lawyer not working for him. Perhaps I should have said "your lawyer is supposed to work for you"
In reply to DavidSaravia :
Do you practice law in a Canoe?
I got a giggle out of my post. Thanks canoe. 
BoxheadTim said:
In my book, there's a time to be patient and nice, and there's a time to show that you're annoyed and about to become a very squeaky wheel.
Problem with becoming a squeaky wheel with lawyers is that’s exactly how they make money
12/16/17 8:26 a.m.
The problem is you are being too nice.
Make it clear that you've had enough and there will be no more contract extensions. If they can't close it by such and such a date, the deal is off.
I can almost guarantee they will close within moments.
Here's the trick-you can't bluff on this. You have to be completely prepared to walk away from the deal.
At some point you authorized a contract extension (whether you realized it or not). They are in breech of the original contract. If there is a written extension, honor it, then kill the deal and keep the deposit. You will then have to start over with marketing the property.
12/16/17 8:29 a.m.
BTW, just because they HAVE the cash, doesn't mean they want to turn it over quickly. There are millions of reasons a buyer could want to extend a closing. The bottom line is that you are paying the holding costs while they sit next their money (and probably make money on it)
12/16/17 9:05 a.m.
So now that it's been brought back to life, how did this end?