It's a boy for Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge.
The former Kate Middleton gave birth to the couple's first child, a son, on Monday afternoon at a London hospital.
The birth was announced via a formal press release issued by Kensington Palace, which stated that the duchess "was safely delivered of a son" at 4:24 p.m., local time, weighing 8 lbs., 6 oz.
No name yet, other than the Prince of Cambridge.
No word on what vehicle they will use to take the baby home from the hospital, but these have been ruled out:
7/23/13 8:12 a.m.
I was really hoping nobody would care about a government funded/endorsed figurehead celebrity.
7/23/13 8:13 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
I was really hoping nobody would care about a government funded/endorsed figurehead celebrity.
The only reason I even knew it happened was Hammond tweeted they should name him "Fang" so he would be "King Fang" which would be awesome. Clarkson tweeted that they should name him "Prince".
tuna55 wrote:
I was really hoping nobody would care about a government funded/endorsed figurehead celebrity.
That brings a E36 M3 load of money to the country from tourists flocking to see anything royal and helping support the economy in real trickle down wealth from air fare, hotels, meals, souvenirs etc. The amount of money the Royal family gets from the civil list has fallen dramatically over the years. I bet they add a whole lot more to the economy than they take away from it.
Flounder over.
I was hoping for a girl so we could have a future queen looking even half as hot as momma
7/23/13 8:18 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
I was really hoping nobody would care about a government funded/endorsed figurehead celebrity.
That brings a E36 M3 load of money to the country from tourists flocking to see anything royal and helping support the economy in real trickle down wealth from air fare, hotels, meals, souvenirs etc. The amount of money the Royal family gets from the civil list has fallen dramatically over the years. I bet they add a whole lot more to the economy than they take away from it.
Flounder over.
I was hoping for a girl so we could have a future queen looking even half as hot as momma
State endorsed celebrities for everyone!
- guy who wishes the world would get over celebrities.
/my rant over
7/23/13 8:21 a.m.
I refuse to get excited about this unless they choose to name the baby "Darth".
Matt B
7/23/13 8:36 a.m.
As a human being, I'm glad the kid is healthy and they seem happy. Just as I would anybody else.
Beyond that. eh...
Harry loses his place in line, and maybe he can resume cavorting with Vegas hookers - so there's one person who cares.
The pope used a fiat van. Maybe they'll follow suit.
7/23/13 8:48 a.m.
In other news, the sun came up today.....
Funny thing.... I got home from work last night getting ready to snarf down some food before planting my happy ass on the mower for 2 hours. We're talking, and she says "She had her baby. It was a boy."
Now, I am usually up on our friends and who is preggers and who is not, so I was completely dumbfounded as to who she was talking about. I looked at her and said "Who had a baby? I didn't know anyone was preggers." She gave me the look of "you can't be this dumb" and said "the prince and his wife in England."
I know she was not happy with my response, but I am not really sure what it was that I actually said.... I'm sure it was close to "Who gives a flying ****?" I ate alone and then went and mowed.
We've been keeping everybody updated via the radio show.
ITT people continue to post about something they claim to not care about.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
That brings a E36 M3 load of money to the country from tourists flocking to see anything royal and helping support the economy in real trickle down wealth from air fare, hotels, meals, souvenirs etc. The amount of money the Royal family gets from the civil list has fallen dramatically over the years. I bet they add a whole lot more to the economy than they take away from it.
Flounder over.
I was hoping for a girl so we could have a future queen looking even half as hot as momma
I've got to admit, there is a certain advantage to having a head of state whose duties are mostly ceremonial. It frees up more time for the people running government to just plain govern, and it avoids getting ceremonial events mixed up with politics (such as the arguments over which Presidents did or didn't make it to the Memorial Day observation, or wondering if there's some particular agenda behind an address over some sort of national tragedy).
general consensus at the dinner table last night was "who the berkeley cares?"
In reply to Bobzilla: lol and I thought my brother and I were the only ones to use the words'preggers' and 'pregnasaurus'.
Ian F
7/23/13 10:01 a.m.
There's been an amusing meme going around FB that says to the effect, "we fought the revolution so we wouldn't have to care about the royal baby"
Personally, I'm indifferent to the Royals as celebrities. I respect the Queen because she takes her duties very seriously and one hopes that sense of responsibility has been passed on. In a way, the Royals provide a certain amount of steadiness and continuity to the British govt, even if only symbolically. Regardless of which party is in charge, there is still the Queen and Brits seem to take comfort in that.
I never understood why people in America, a country that fought for its freedom from British rule, gave such a flip about the "royals".
7/23/13 10:48 a.m.
bludroptop wrote:
Harry loses his place in line, and maybe he can resume cavorting with Vegas hookers - so there's one person who cares.
Nothing a few Mt. Everest sized piles of blow can't fix.
I am solely in the WGAF category.....
Every car forum I'm on has a discussion or two going on about how people don't care about this new baby...if everyone doesn't care, why are you all talking about it?
In reply to stuart in mn:
Are you new to teh interwebs? Everyone has to post about how they give zero berks about anything instead of shutting the berk up. Its like there is this subculture of douchebag internet hipsters that are too cool for everything.
Glad the baby's healthy, I would rather see this than 99% of the regular crap on the news. On to the next controversy, scandal, or expert analysis.